Chat issues.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Hazel23
There are a lot of people saying they are depressed and stuff which I feel bad about. The thing that can’t get kinda scary especially from younger people like 10 and 11 year olds is self harm and thought of suicide. No one really knows what to do exactly and I’m worried for younger audiences. People are legitimately getting scared and I feel like people come here to talk about bracelets not scary emotional scarring stuff. Most people could probably handle it. But I feel like it’s spreading negativity. Please comment any suggestions of what we can do to help this. Also comment your chat issues 😁 thanks for reading
Bracelet King
4 years ago by riley_fxX
well sometimes websites like these are the only place people can talk about how they feel, especially when they don’t have a stable life. and i think that mental health is something that we shouldn’t shoo away from, cuz it’s a very real thing affecting all ages. personally on the chat iv seen a buncha times, ppl talking about stuff that aren’t bracelet related, so this is just another topic on the chat today ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elwen
What if another place was created in the forum for this, so if you didn't want to see it you could simply not go there? This way, people who need it can still talk about it without scaring younger users.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by AlyRos425
you know when a lot of people are talking about it, they want help you know. so their just crying out for help basically.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by amwatson
Yeah I’ve noticed this too, maybe you could put this in the site and app space in the forum so a mod or the admin might be more likely to see this and be able to help. Or you could message a mod directly. Personally I don’t think the chat is the best place for these issues and maybe somewhere a little more private and safer might be appropriate
Bracelet King
4 years ago by SavannaL
BraceletBook is a safe place and I have heard of a lot of people who say this is their only safe place or that it is the only place they can talk to someone. I don't think it's appropriate for an 11 year old to talk about things like suicide and self harm, but if a 14/15/16/17/18 year old is talking about this I think it's okay because they would be more educated about the topic, not saying its appropriate for a 14/15/16/17/18 to say they are feeling those things here. If anybody hears of people saying those things, I think you should report it to a moderator because since BB is a safe place, this could have been the only place they told someone they felt that way and if it doesn't get reported those actions might occur if you get what I mean. Moderators are volunteers, but are required to take unsafe things down from the site if they find it while moderating. I think if you trust someone and are feeling those things maybe you should talk to someone privately you trust here because of younger audiences here and I don't think its safe for 10 year old's to be learning about how others want to do self harm.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by SavannaL
Depression is a little bit different than self harm and suicide. Yes it is true that most people who commit of such things are depressed, but just because you're depressed doesn't mean you're thinking of harming yourself. If you're depressed I would totally encourage you to talk about it!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Hazel23
@SavannaL personally I think anyone from about 11 knows what this means and can be very serious about doing so. My worry is that the 11 year olds that aren’t exactly that mature yet will get scarred or something like that
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Hazel23
@brooki_mil yeah but your 17 10 year olds can’t deal with it
3 years, 11 months ago by brooki_mil
@Hazel23 actually i’m 3 months old 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Hazel23
@brooki_mil oh ok😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by crafter83
People could create separate topics on the forum community page. However, I disagree with you stereotyping that age group. Yes I wouldn’t bring it up with most of them, but I know someone who was suicidal at 9( almost 10). I am not saying you should talk about in front of younger users, but I think they should have access to talk about it in case they need to.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by PotatoPeel
but what if the 11 year old has depression anxiety etc and just need someone to talk to. I honestly think i would sorta be unfair because 11 12 and 13 y/o can be very mature about some topics, and just wanna help... It should be their responsibility to click on stuff they want to read and not click on stuff that might scare them. It annoys me that sometimes i ask an older person what they are talking about but they just say that you are too young to know. It shouldnt be them deciding what i get to hear and what i dont. Some people dont realize that we had talks with out parents, some teachers at school about these topics. Even if the topic is not mature for my age. Even sometimes i know that i shouldnt click on that. I feel like a lot of people only think about how they feel, but not -13 y/o which is surprising because they were one before and its very likely that back then when they were -13 they wanted to know stuff that other wouldnt tell them.All that aside, you shouldnt decide by the age, but maybe by how mature someone is. Idk how we will do that, so for now we should just keep it how it is. (My opinion, dont come at me) |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Hazel23
@PotatoPeel yeah I agree with that. I’m only talking about the 11 year olds who can’t handle it. And your right it is there responsibility. I have nothing against ages as I understand that some people are much more mature than their age would imply. The point of this was to try to find a different place for those people to go because ultimately they will be getting more help in an area like that. 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Hazel23
@crafter83 of course they should! I’m not trying to stereotype as some kids could handle the topics because they are more mature. I’m saying that some 10 year olds wouldn’t be able to handle it. I just don’t want anyone feeling scared about stuff they see on here 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by PotatoPeel
@Hazel23 agreed. But we should also think about their point of view 🙂
3 years, 11 months ago by hello_jell
I'm 10 and I don't really care about that stuff I watched poltergeist 👻it wasn't all that scary but I watched that when I was 9 the only thing I've been scared about was when my grandma had a stroke and I watched the spiderwick chronicles witch was creepy but not scary and sorry if this sounds mean
3 years, 11 months ago by friends_le
@hello_jell I'm so sorry about ur grandma
3 years, 11 months ago by hello_jell
@friends_le ty
3 years, 11 months ago by friends_le
@hello_jell np