AYO got any pog crush stories😼😼😼 page 2
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by puff_cakes
pog champ
4 years, 1 month ago by flybears
oh boy where do i even start... i told this one guy i really liked him and he said he really liked me too and then he proceeded to ask me to our schools like winter dance thing it was a semi formal and so i spent a few hours getting ready and then he texted me about 30 minutes before the dance ..on some ssort of substance idk what he was on but he was messed up, and told me i dont want to go with you anymore and then hung up on me. i still went to the dance though looking hot and hung out with his bestfriend 😉🙂. OHOHOH the next year around the same time of year i had a huge crush on one of my bestfriends and i decided screw it ill ask to go as friends and so i did and he said "Ok" he really just said "ok" and then we talked it out and agreed yeah we'll go as friends aha but the catch was , you all are going to love this, we couldn't take and pictures together that were just us, we weren't going to dance together, and we pretty much weren't going to talk to eachother the entire night, fastforward three months, he facetimes me after school and played a game of like 21 questions and i had to guess who he liked and so i guessed me and he confessed his "love" for me and how much he liked me and how much of an idiot he was that he didn't realize how much he had liked me sooner and at that point i didn't feel the same way about him and we stayed friends , and now he hates my guts for absolutely no reason. 🙂 i have many more stories if you would like to hear aswell
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Stella_Leo
I have a super embarrassing one. So my class was doing a kahoot together and I flung my hand up because I won and I hit him in the face.😐 It was quite awkward to say the least.