Story Time!!!!
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
So much like one of the other forums, I write a paragraph and someone writes another paragraph to continue the story: (I decided to write it weird like a poemOr something XD, you guys don't have to do that tho) I fly, like I can, like a bird. Like the night is drifting. The day is falling. I fall, gravity, it pulls me. Down. I land, but it never ends, I'm on a new world. Earth. I'm now fallen, fallen, evil, a fallen angel. |
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by PinkFluffy
I wanna try!All of a sudden I see somebody cute and alone. She sits and grieves...Collect my thoughts, I went to meet her. (Do you like it?) |
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
(Tots @PinkFluffy)
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by PinkFluffy
|😲 ?
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
I walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulder, "Are you alright?" I ask her. She looks up with tears in her eyes. "Who are you?"
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
(Totally @PinkFluffy)
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by PinkFluffy
She started to crying!"AAAAAAAAAAA! My dog! He's dead! HE'S DEAAAAAAAAD!" |
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
I look at her sadly. "What's your name?" I ask "What's your dogs name?" Her lip quivers. "My name is Lizz and my dog Buddy died!" I bend over and close my eyes, and brought the dog back from the underworld.
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by PinkFluffy
Now my imagination not workingSorry |
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
(It's ok! It happens to me all the time)
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
9 years, 1 month ago by Emilijaa
Lizz stood up,a look of horror on her face."WHAT are you"
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
@Emilijaa "I'm an angel." I say. "A fallen angel."
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
The dog sat next to
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
The dog sat next to me blood drooling from his mouth. "Seek out revenge of my master!" He bounds off towards town. "That's my dog!" She yells. "His name is WhipLash, and he's now under my control."
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
I take off flying, when I suddenly spot a hurt soul. A teenage girl in a black dress kneeling before a coffin. She must be one of my kind, I think. Where did she get that dress and the coffin? I swoop down and bow to her. "You must be Masters highly trained servant." She turns to look at me and screams. "What are you a demon!? Leave him alone!" She yells putting her arms around the coffin. "I once was a angel, but I made a mistake and found my way here, and lost my beauty." I reply looking down at my burnt black wings. "My new master lives in the underworld." She stands up. "I don't know who you are but lay off! Your insane!" She shouts leaning forward and ripping her dress. I glide over to the coffin and lean over it "Do you wish to see him again?" She shakes her head. "No!" She stomps off with her head in the air. I put my hand on the coffin but it shocks me, it's blocked by a heavenly force. "Your dear loved one has made it to heaven." The girl stops and turns around. "Do-do you know what heaven looks like?" She asks quietly. I nod. "Of course I do!" I exclaim.
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
9 years, 1 month ago by hai
"What does it look like…" she ponders that in her mind to decide wether to say it or not
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
I stare at her for awhile, "I can take you to the underworld." I say. She shakes her head furiously. "No!!!No way!" She screams. I stare down at my feet. "It's my curse." I mumble.
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax