I LOVE YOU. To all you girls. page 2
8 years, 4 months ago by peanuty
@Bentoshan I feel to self conscious on everything
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
@peanuty With looks or...
8 years, 4 months ago by peanuty
@Bentoshan looks knowledge popularity you name it.
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
With Looks: You can't change your genetics. But, you can change how you take care of your body. I suggest you use natural products, such as the "Yes to"line. And look into healthy diets such as veganism. I'm not saying you should starve yourself or anything, because that is not the answer. But, after a while, you'll start to glow and seek physical benefits with a healthy diet and using natural products. It will bring out the best in you! And make you feel good, as well.
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
BUT DO THIS WHEN YOU'RE READY! With knowledge, you should look into doing puzzles that work the brain such as Sudoku, and try to read more books of a genre you like. Also to work that brain, try to do some more Normal patterns, especially larger ones! It makes you brain translate what symbols you see, into what you physically do, and it's a great exercise!
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
And being popular isn't important. When you're popular, people won't leave you alone with what you're doing, and it's a waste of time. Try to make some friends with other less popular kids, and pretty soon, you'll might just be a known group. I speak from personal experience.
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
@peanuty Hoped all of that assisted you a little!
8 years, 4 months ago by peanuty
Thanks I am actually vegan and have been for a couple years I eat a lot of fresh fruit the thing is I never have felt good about my looks my hair is a mess it's weird some of its straight some wavy some with these curls and some with those curls and so I think it look really bad and it's always frizzy I do use natural products my whole family does and I don't know about friends I have 5 who are more like my only friends but I am homeschooled so I never see any of them except one who's parents Are willing to drive thirty miles to see me last year at school was the one year that more than two people talk to me to just be my friend other than that I have always been bullied it finally stopped I think it was because I was shy I don't know about knowledge because everyone thinks I'm so smart they call me Siri and always get homework help from me but almost everything is hard for me to under stand I never can figure it out on my own and I don't know I read and Do puzzles like 24/7 I feel like I am just not good enough for anyone I am so sorry for bothering everyone with this I just needed to get it off me thank you everyone for being so wonderful and caring
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
@peanuty I think a brand for haircare products you should check out is SheaMoisture. A company whose owner has stated that ALL hair, is good hair. They have a nice range of products for plenty of hair types. I used to hate my type 3c curly hair, but then I was shocked that people thought it was beautiful. Your hair is probably the same way. With the right products, all hair can look, and feel its best! I used to also think that just because I didn't have a thin nose or lips, that I was ugly. So one day, I looked in the mirror and distorted my nose a little to make it look a bit thinner. After a while of squeezing and stretching and being unhappy, I finally let go. And I realized, everything is in proportion to the other things you have.
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
@peanuty You should try to Skype with your friends or find a better way to keep in touch when you're away. My best friend is currently in Germany, but yet I can still communicate and almost forget that she moved away, sometimes. And if someone is bullying you or giving you a hard time, tell someone! And you don't have to do puzzles or read ALL the time. Just maybe do one daily, and read when you have time. And when you don't understand something ask your teacher questions! Sometimes I'm too shy or get lost, so I try to write down questions that I have so I won't forget to ask afterwards. Take it from someone who was lost, and teased. And final thing, you should have a goal in life. That may sound silly, but once I found my true calling, which was ice skating, I knew that that was my true purpose. Skating gives me a lot of confidence. So find something you're good at, and reach for the stars. Again, sounds very lame but, it really helped me. Knowing you're good at something that most others aren't makes you very special. Take care. Xoxoxo
8 years, 4 months ago by peanuty
Wow thanks I will look into the hair thing and thanks a lot I just hope my friends could be a little less busy to talk I don't have a goal in life because I can't seem to feel comfortable with anything it seems you have gone through what I'm going through and I thank you for helping and caring fora stranger
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
Yes, thank you! My best friend is always busy, too. We can't always talk, and it sucks, but school and life can keep someone VERY occupied, and I have to understand that. And I didn't know ice skating was for me until YEARS later. I didn't know what I wanted to do either before, as well. As a younger child, people would always ask what I wanted to be, and I never had an answer. I used to turn my head at ice skating, but now I realize it's the sport for me. It can take a long while until you discover your true calling, but until then just be yourself and explore! I'm glad I've helped you, and take care.
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
Also, try to find a guru for your hair. Just look for someone online with your hair type who makes blogs and has helpful tips. My hair guru is Sayria Jade and she has taught my a lot of dos and don'ts for my hair. I found her via YouTube. ( :
8 years, 4 months ago by peanuty
Ok thanks so much I will check it out
8 years, 3 months ago by FynnTaylor
@Hana_rain YOU TOO!
8 years, 3 months ago by Hana_rain
@FynnTaylor okeeyy..