Any advice......?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Addie_bug
So, (m gonna have to fill ya in if you understand) all my life I have been moving a lot, parents divorced, and other family issues. But about 3 and 1/2 years ago my mom could not afford almost anything so we moved in with my aunt for about a year. (i moved when i was in 4th grade. im in 7th grade rn) and then we moved to the house we are in now when i was in like 5th grade, which is in the same general area. Anyways, 5th and 6th grade, I made FRIENDS. like actual FRIENDS. not people that pretended. and we all had a great time in 5th and 6th grade elementary school. then corona hit towards the end of 6th grade. (beginning of this year as all of you know) And we emailed every day. (only one of our friends at the time had a phone.) (we all do now) But i KNEW that it was not going to last because they where going to the other school the next school year. (since i moved, i would be going to a different jr high) and tbh i was scared. I had never made such good friends. Its now the middle of the year (im at the other school) and i already feel us slipping away..... every day i deal with being lonely.... i asked my mom and she said to make new friends, you cant just MAKE new FRIENDS. like actual FRIENDS. especially with a shy introverted girl. and im just so miserable, that i keep asking my mom about going to the school they are going to. its hard tho, she tell me that its kinda far away, and like nobody could get me there. (all my friends ride the bus) I want to go after winter break is over, so i can just FORGET the school im going to now, but i have a HUGE project for a class, and im doing it with a partner. and i never have any idea what im doing, and so she does most the work. i hate that. and i can tell she is stressed. (i have not talked to her about going to a different school) and i dont just want to ditch her......
lol sorry this is long. any advice would be great!!!!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by NB2909
Honesty i understand i have gone trough the same thing i am seventh grade right now got pulled out of school because of corana and my grandpa live with us and everyday my friends text less and less i know go to online school. I am seventh grade too i moved in fourth grade because the teacher was mean and i got bullied. my advice i know friends are hard to find (i am a super introvert and reader i read all the harry potter books in 9 day 😂 )
just find one person that you are like i found one friend and then i had 5 new friends or bake something for people in your grade like chocolate chip cookies!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Addie_bug
@NB2909 yea... it is hard. and did you bake something? Is that how it worked for you?lol
Bracelet King
4 years ago by NB2909
i baked cinnamon chip scones then i got accepted into that one friend i made friend group!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Addie_bug
@NB2909 lol thats awesome
Bracelet King
4 years ago by NB2909
i also had a rough year last year i am the youngest in the grade my mom thinks i should be back a year but academically i am almost a year ahead. 🙁
Bracelet King
4 years ago by NB2909
ya i love baking it is so fun i had one best friend before we moved that lived a couple of house away but she was a year older but we carpooled and baked together at least once every two weeks
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Addie_bug
@NB2909 oh okay. well thanks. i gtg now. goodnight!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by NB2909
Bracelet King
4 years ago by 89-woof
Well, I'v been going though something like this too. But without the family issues. My best friends ditched me for her soccer team, thinking she is so mush better then me. SO... I was getting really, REALLY annoyed with her. SO, she said she wanted to play something else (this was 5th grade) SO I snapped at her cuz she was pulling my hairs out!! And we got into this huge fight and we were never same same best friends, Anyways, my point is, it's really hard to find a true friend. so, if u found ur true friends, don't let them go, u need to hang on to them. SO, I found some really great people here on bb, I'm there for theem when they need me, and there here for me when I need them. SO, keep hanging on.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by CakeCup
I am not going through any of this now...however. For almost the past year, my mom and dad have been planning on moving. Now, I do not want to move. I am super scared about moving to a new place especially cause I am in high school. Everyone will already have their friend groups and I will be the new girl who has no friends... I no looking forward to it. It is even more annoying cause we may not be moving for another year. The plan was to move this last summer, but because of covid, we didn't move. I hate this. I try not to think about the move but when I do...i start to cry. Moving aside from me. Let's talk about you.

My friends and I have not been in our group for a while. However, we do have a Hangouts chat with one another. I think I would do that. It is a lot faster than email and you can have an actual conversation. It is essentially texting. Also, I would drop some treats off at their houses. That way they know that u r still there and u still like and appreciate them. I hope those help!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Addie_bug
@89-woof oh no! That sucks. thanks for the advice.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Addie_bug
@CakeCup I hate moving. I totally understand that. and more recently we have been doing something called google hangouts, but the thing is, is that it does not notify you when you get a "text" so they barley check it. 😐 But last night I brought them all Christmas presents, and it made me realize how much I miss them and that im going to go see how much a variance is.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by NB2909
@89-woof same my best friend said she was going to play tennis with me on our school team but she ditched me for the "popular girls" on the soccer team. we still talk but i guess i still think about it
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Emakes
I’ve never had to move or switch schools but I get where you are coming from. I’m also very shy and introverted. One way I found to make friends was to be part of a club or sport. I only have like 6 friends at school but I also ride horses so I’m at the barn a lot. I’ve met so many nice people there and the best thing about meeting people through a club or sport is that you already know that you have at least one interest in common. Hope this helps!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by XxpeachyxX
Trust me..this sucks. Iv been gonna through freind problems too. But one thing iv learnd is...just put ur self out there...ik that sounds super scary, trust me I’m introverted too. Just talk to ppl...I mean yolo. Anyways the thing that will help u the most is putting ur self out there. I hop u find g8t friends 😊
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Addie_bug
@Emakes Thanks for the advice. Right now im not in any clubs and don't plan to be. idk why I have been in them in the past, and never fit in... and in elementary with them... I FIT in. I didn't care if some people saw me be a complete idiot. I had them to be idiots with me. sooo yea. Thank you. I mean it
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Addie_bug
@XxpeachyxX thanks for the advice. I will keep all of that in mind. Thank you.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by fuzzydogs8
That is hard, I am so sry. I am also in 7th grade! Feel free to friend me and message me whenever you want too
Bracelet King
4 years ago by workmanha
Oh my goodness I am going through the same exact thing rn!! Even though I am in 10th grade instead of 7th but I feel you!! My whole family was living in my grandparents basement and we finally moved after 5 years of living there but I am not going to the same school I would have been going to. I already knew we were moving and I told my friends that but I wasn't planning on schools and stuff getting shut down (obviously lol) so I didn't really get to say goodbye. I didn't move that far away though but my step mom is sooo worried about this virus I can't even mail them Christmas gifts uggg. Don't get me wrong I know this virus is scarry but I have lready had it so I am not that scared of it and I am at low risk anyways so yeah. And my school has sports games against my friends school a lot and I can't even go to those. Also, Not to like downgrade I guess on anyone's advice but putting yourself out there is honestly really Anyways if you need someone to chat with or relate to I am here for you (plus if you are like me and need a bunch of help with like everything then just lmk and I will try to help you lol.) Srry for the rant lol