Don't be a bully!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 89-woof
Lots of people have been bully by someone before. Bully's say lots of mean things that can really affect peoples lives. Bulling is almost life threating. I know this because, I have gotten bulled, and I was being a bully without even realizing it. Me and my best friend were bulling each other maybe two years ago. Because of that, I lost my best friend, we iced each other out and hung out in different friend groups. Her parents get her everything she wants, and of course, I got jealous. But enough about me. the point is, u can lose ur best friend by doing that. What I really just want to say is stop. I bully people without even knowing it. Most people here on bb get bulled at least once. Pls be nice here on bracelet book, it affects peoples lives. If you don't have a nice comment to say to this, pls don't say it. It's not gonna be worth it.
If you want, share something here. But u just know, there are many people on this website who felt bulled so don't make it worse.
Everyone, Stay strong
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by luckdog13
That was amazing and beautiful! 🥲🤩
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 89-woof
Thank u, If anyone else would like to say something, u may. But no rude comments.
4 years, 2 months ago by amazingirl
OMG TYSM FOR MAKING THAT!! I really love that, and I will keep that in mind!! 😘 😘
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 89-woof
Aww, I'm glad this brighten ur day, it's always nice to be kind and once u relize what u have done, u feel awful! Remember, Always stay kind
4 years, 2 months ago by amazingirl
Yes!! 😉 ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by LaylaH101
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by gecko_girl
@89-woof thanks! u made my day!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by horses13
Last year I had this Asma like cough whenever I even took one step in a jog and my best friend said “leave! You are going to get me sick!” Said my friend. I had just had a coughing attack outside during lunch and I couldn’t breathe it felt like I was chocking but no one even cared. Without even realizing how mean my words were I said “IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT THEN YOU CAN LEAVE!” I said. After that our friendship was broken and she convinced everyone to not be friends to me. To this day everyone still bullies me at school. Then like my whole class brags about how their parents get them whatever they want and I get jealous because I don’t get everything I want. Like no one at school has to lift a single finger at their home because they have no chores but I am at home working my but off doing chores.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by horses13
And I would have apologized to my friend but I couldn’t even get close enough to her to talk.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 89-woof
@horses13 (G is the friend that left, J is my best friend who NEVER left)
I can relate, Its sad when u loses ur best friend, G and I, we talk now, but even tho she acts like she didnt do anything, evrytime she talks to me, I can't help but feel angry and sad, all emotions come at me at once, for me it's hard for me to talk to her cuz I always think of what she did. Just imagine, ur best friend for 10 years ditches u to go with the popular grope. Honestly If she was a real friend she wouldn't have left. With ur friend, It sounds like she doesn't think before she talks, she just says what comes to mind, and ofc... to defend ur self u told her to leave. Insteade of asking u wats wrong, she just assumed and something else was bothering her. But is she just said that, she's not a real friend. Last year on the 28th was my friends' birthday, J's B-day. We haven't talked since MAY!!! Can u believe that! SO.... In 5th grade we traded phone numbers, it was a homework call so that was the first time and last... until her brithday, I never called cuz I lost the number 😂 😂 Then I realized I saved the number o my phone. So I called... When she picked up she was so happy, for the next 2 mins she kept say onmg! Oh my gosh, I can't belive it 😂 😂 she was so happy. Anyways when I finished calling her my mom say she was a true friend, a friend who got so excited to talk to me no matter how long we didnt talk. The point for u is, just find ur true friend, if she is always happy to talk to u then u have ur true friend! And I'm always there for anyone who needs me.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Mhetland34
😭😭everyone needs to read this
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by AlyRos425
My brother passed away due to suicide. He was bullied for a long time physically and mentally and he eventually couldn't take it anymore. I appreciate this so much. Thank you for this. I hope some day bullying will be non existent. It wouldn't bring my brother back, but It might save someone else's. ❤️
4 years, 2 months ago by I_love_fox
I agree! Positivity is easier than bullying. We can make this world better together!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 89-woof
That is so sad, and u are right, i hope one day bullying will not be a thing and will save someones life
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 89-woof

I agree with u too, Remember to always spread positive words, u may not know it but it can really help someones life when they are going through a hard time
4 years, 2 months ago by I_love_fox
Yes! I made this account to spread positivity! I want people to know they are loved and they matter.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 89-woof
Great job! Keep doig that
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 89-woof
Also, to anyone who reads this, go to the spead kindness page in community, it would really help someone
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by 89-woof
Alright, I havnt posted in a while but im here now.

So, today's topic is the popular people in ur school

So, popular people have a way to be popular. Bullying. This is advice for when they r bullying you:
Keep ur head up high. Don't let them change you. Prove to them you wont let anyone push you around. If they laugh at u, laugh along with them. Show them there words don't hurt you. When your at your worst, someone will always be there for you. Be yourselves and don't ever change. Be popular for good things. Show kindness to them even if they dont to you. You got this. ❤️