Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Maker1-0-1
So im starting a etsy shop, but I might ship with an envelope. im not sure how shipping letters and stufff works and I think I heard somewhere that they like put the envelopes in a machine and it smooshes them ( might have been a dream LMAO) so if I put a keychain or bracelet, will it be damaged? also do I have to put a stamp? If I can't do envelopes ill just do a bubble mailer! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Basilology
I think you can use envelopes for (friendship) bracelets but with stuff like keychains or bead bracelets, you would want a bubble mailer just to make sure it doesn't get damaged. I would use a bubble mailer for everything though, because it'll look more professional. About the stamps, I think it depends on the way you mail it... not sure though. You should check with you local postal services.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by lizbethx
hi I have a Depop shop and I ship with bubble mailers but I’ve asked around and usually people ship small items with a NON MACHINABLE STAMP! I would recommend asking your post office to know how many stamps to include
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Maker1-0-1
ty u guys, I think imma just use bubble mailers because im getting a 50 pack and they cost 14 cents a piece (its on sale) and the stamps that I need cost 70 cents so yea.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Godluvsu
Yes, I would be very, very careful with envelopes. I have gotten a few things sent back in them (thankfully they were not buisness related) and while they are cheaper, bubble mailers offer more protection and room+less risk of getting sent back. Also, as an etsy seller and buyer its just generally a more professional solution.

Best of wishes for your buisness! 😉 😄