"girl stuff" advice??
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by KawaiiArt
So as the title says its girl only stuff, I.e. periods. My schedule is getting a bit more normal, I've been getting it around the same time for the past 3 or 4 months. So....I have a really heavy flow, I use pads, and I want to ask if I can use tampons. Ps: I'm 11, kind of had it since I was 9. I use the highest absorbency pads from the Kroger brand. I only live with my dad, my mom doesn't even know I've had it yet, my sister knows, and I don't have any close females to talk to about it. My dad is really strict, protective, and loving, and I'm worried about his reaction if I tell him I want to use tampons. There's more details and such in my forum DO NOT ENTER IF YOU ARE NOT A GIRL and greenbean1's post (I forgot what it is) does anyone have tips for asking my dad???
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by Taro101
Tell your dad some reasons why tampons are better than pads and slowly drive him towards the idea. You really don't have to be a certain age but 11 kind of seems young. Good luck
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by Robin99
11 does seem young for tampons. I'd wait until you're in your teens at the least. I know that pads get annoying but with tampons there is always the underlying threat of getting TSS. It's incredibly rare but young girls especially teens are more likely to get it so I'd imagine that an eleven year old is more likely to get it than say a sixteen year old. Also the older you are and the more you get used to periods the more likely you are to remember to change tampons and pads. While forgetting to change pads can result in leakage, forgetting to change tampons increase the risk of getting TSS. So what id do if I were you is get into a habit of changing your pads every 4-8 hours (if not sooner) that way when you do wear tampons you'll routinely change them because it's a habit. If you have a health teacher or any kind of female teacher really, talk to them about it privately and ask for advice. Id suggest only wearing tampons on the heavy days and once your flow lessons switch to pads. It is possible to wear tampons at night but I'd suggest that you don't unless you like go to a friends house and are supper worried about leaking. If you do wear them at night just change them when you first wake up. I've gotten into the habit of waking up in the middle of the night to change them so if your going to be sleeping longer than eight hours than maybe you should set an alarm to change it. I know you said you use the highest absorbency of pads but don't choose the highest absorbency hen you use tampons because you're so young and it'll be incredibly uncomfortable. I know that sounds like a lot of advice but if you have any questions feel free to ask. You can always message me as well if you don't want I discuss anything on a public forum. It's your body and your life so if you want to start wearing tampons now, even though I think you should wait a little longer, you can.
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by Robin99
Also, your dad is a dude. At the risk of sounding sexist (I can assure you that I'm a huge feminist but I don't know how better to word this), dudes don't understand periods, Mainly because they don't get them. Just tell him you want to start using tampons and I'm sure he'll be fine with it. It doesn't even have to be real formal. Just the next time you go with him to buy pads ask if you can get tampons as well. (I say as well because when first starting off you'll want to use pads for the lighter flow and tampons for the first couple of days) I'm sure he'll be fine with it.
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by KawaiiArt
I'm already very used to changing my pads regularly, probably every 5 hours. Silly me 😛, I have my grandma living 5 minutes away. The downside, is she says don't use tampons till I've had sex because when she was a teenager, she used one of her moms and that day at school it was really painful and I'm pretty sure she just didn't put it in right. Also that she hasn't had her period in several years because she has a hysterectomy. Lucky her. No period. I already know that when starting tampons use a light absorbency. I have this American girl book: the care and keeping of you. They were giving away the whole set of four books at my school library.... Most of the girls in my class grabbed one. So my bffaeae ( :3 ) layla has had hers and we were in the bathroom ( only 2 in there) and told me she started her period. She ended up telling me 3 times lol. So the set came with these little bags to keep your stuff in and layla was like, guys! Don't open it! Very cringeworthy. Any tips on what exactly to say though when asking him??
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by KawaiiArt
Crap. Only meant to post some of that here -_-
9 years, 6 months ago by hat
Only you know your relationship with your dad - but I would suggest that you need to be open but don't go into detail, although you need to be able to back up your whys! "My friends are doing this" is not a good reason. You have to remember that your dad wants the best for you and also doesn't probably want to lose his little girl - more so if he is the only parent around. Maybe a good opening line 'I was considering starting to use tampons, what do you think?' You never know he might be ok with it!
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by Robin99
Oh shoot sorry! I read your first post earlier and then later I commented on it without reading it again so I forgot that you wanted advice on talking to your dad. (Pst... You don't need to have sex to wear a tampon. I'm a virgin and asexual and tampons don't bother me at all unless if I'm in a rush and don't put it in right.)
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by Robin99
(So yah, your theory on why it hurt your grandma is most likely right. That or she used an absorbency that was too high)
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by Mermaid12
.....Why are you asking more about periods and girl stuff @KawaiiArt? Weren't all of your questions answered in your OTHER forum post......? You certainly have talked a lot about "girl stuff" on this website, especially considering that it is a site for bracelet making 😉 If you still have some questions that haven't been answered after the extensive posts in your other forum topic, this probably isn't the correct website for you to be finding the answers to those questions 😉
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by KawaiiArt
@Mermaid12 yes, I know it seems weird to be asking about that sort of stuff on this site but I can't have a yahoo account or pretty much anything else. I had some more questions more in the tampon zone that were recently brought up in my mind
9 years, 6 months ago by caffec
Hi KawaiiArt, if you'd rather ask in a PM, you can send one to me! 🙂
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by impersonat
You should sit down with him and explain why you want to use tampons. You're right, your grandma was in pain because she didn't put it in right. You should tell your dad that you want to use tampons so you can swim during your period and let him know that you feel comfortable talking to him. If you want, you could talk to your sister instead. The is no age restriction for tampons. I started using them when I was 12. Good luck! Feel free to message me if you have any problems. 🙂
9 years, 6 months ago by TopGymnast
What does it mean till I've had SEX
9 years, 6 months ago by TopGymnast
Also what does I'm a virgin and asexual
9 years, 1 month ago by FynnTaylor
@TopGymnast, you'll find out when your older! Right now it's up to your parents to tell you. It's adult stuff
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
@KawaiiArt you really shouldn't be posting stuff like this sense you already made two or three of these and some people on here are vey innocent and are unaware of what a period is for and why it happens. I'd recommend keeping this stuff to yourself or just messaging people or talking to your friends. Let's leave there parents up to telling them these things 😉
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by DylanL
It sucks I got my period before I even knew what it was thankfully I didn't freak out because I remember my mom saying something about it. I'm not a late bloomer, I was 9 when I hit puberty, and I'm not tall at all! I'm 4"11
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by impersonat
I'm on my period now and it sucks! 🙁
Bracelet King
9 years, 1 month ago by GraysonJax
@impersonat I'm sorry about that! Hope you cheer up!