I need some advice
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by weirdkiddo
This is a doozy and I need some advice. Me and a friend got in an argument a week ago because I would tell her everything about me and my boyfriend and she kept it a secret that it made her uncomfortable. She has a boyfriend too so it isn’t that she wishes she had one. Anyways, she started complaining about me behind my back to my boyfriend and made him mad at me because she told him that I have anger issues and a liar. It took 3 days to repair things with him but were mostly ok now. Then today out of nowhere my friend starts sending me texts about how I treat her like trash (she used a word I won’t put on here) and I got upset because she’s still angry over this even though it has been a week and I started getting mad at her for trash talking me to my boyfriend and making him mad at me even though I never did any of the things she said I did. She then told me that she hates me and doesn’t want to be my friend anymore and I said fine, leave me and my boyfriend alone. I hang out in a group of people every weekend (socially distanced of course) and she always goes. I don’t want to fight in front of our other friends. What do I do when we have to be around each other?
4 years, 3 months ago by blindmouse
If you guys don't become friends again before you guys are around each other again there a few things you could do. You guys could agree to just ignore each other but still have fun with the rest of the group. You could try to get along so you guys don't risk arguing and ruining the fun for everyone else. Or she could come to her senses and become friends with you again, and you guys might be good. You seem like a great person, feel free to message me anytime ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by weirdkiddo
Thank you so much!