Alpha Bracelet Help
4 years, 3 months ago by Xxpuffish
Hey everyone I was wondering if anyone has some tips and tricks on how to make good alpha bracelets I would really appreciate it✌🏼🙃
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by sheepie
There are many videos for these techniques on YouTube, so go watch them. —Doing forward backwards knots on the sides —Doing fancy ending and starts —making your knots looser and roughly the same size —keeping your threads the same thickness, if you can’t (like me) just keep close attention to make your knots the same size — use the Flat alpha technique, probably best to watch a video on that one. —if you can use an iron, I believe it will make so much of a difference between something good looking, and something really weird looking. Just beware of the heat of your iron if you are using polyester thread. Also beware that sometimes the iron might hate you and burn the beautiful bracelet you made that morning even though you put the right temperature on, iron onto the side you don’t want to see. I speak from own experience. Hope that helped🙂 |