Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by KawaiiArt
Ok, first off, as the title says, if you're a guy, LEAVE. So....this forums a little personal, please no hate replies. Ok, I'm 11, Im pretty sure I started my...em...period when I was 10, last year in July, it was rusty red, very dark, and I had already known it was my period and my dad had already got me pads a few months prior. I said I'm pretty sure because when I was 9, I would have it very dark rusty red just once, a little spot on my underwear, happened three times I think, each several months apart. And I'm wondering if that was my period at all? And also, two periods ago, I had a very heavy flow for almost 2 weeks, and before that period, I hadn't had it for 2 months. So...what's up with that, and yes I know, the first few years of your period, you'll miss months, I've heard it before. And this month a haven't gotten it either. A few more things: I have a heavy flow usually, and I have the maxi pads, and once at school, with those particular ones, I leaked through. ( thank goodness I won't have to deal with school periods for a few years ( homeschooled) ) And during the almost 2 week period, I leaked through 2 or 3 times. I tried changing my pad at the school bathroom but there was usually someone already in there, just future advice, what should I do if my pad needs to be changed but someone's in there? ( also a few of my friends there had theirs) The last thing, how do I ask my dad that I want to use tampons sometime soon? Last time I got pads, he was letting me choose, and he said get whatever you need, just not a 20$ box of tampons! And I was like not till I'm like..35 ( we joke around a lot) and he said I should use them when I'm a teenager. Also, sorry, I know this is kind of weird to post on braceletbook, but I I don't have a yahoo account or anything
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by KawaiiArt
Sorry it's so long...
9 years, 7 months ago by Margaron
It's definitely your period for the first while you can skip months, have light and heavy flow and short and longer lasting periods. As far as changing pads go instead of waiting until you NEED to change it go check every three or four hours. Also make sure you've bought a heavy flow pad to avoid leaks. And I think your dad was joking about his wallet as in get whatever you want but don't buy the most expensive thing on the shelf. however, it's generally recommended you don't use tampons until you're a teenager.
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by Mermaid12
Pads or tampons is a personal preference. I think that I started using tampons when I was 13, because I HATED pads. I didn't like the feeling of sitting in my own blood all day, eww lol. Swimming is a big part of my life, so that was another huge factor that contributed to me switching to tampons. If you want to switch, I'm sure that you can just let your dad know and he will be fine with it. When (and if) you first start using tampons, I would recommend starting with the kind that comes with an applicator. If your pad needs to be changed and someone is already in there, just change it! You shouldn't have to feel awkward for that! All females have to go through it 🙂
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by KawaiiArt
I really hate sitting in my soy sauce for a few hours at a time...just eww..
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by Robin99
If you feel you're ready to use tampons then just tell your dad. It's recommended to use the lightest absorbency when using tampons when you start out so I suggest using both tampons and pads or panty liners until you're ready to switch to a higher absorbency. I've had the same problem of leaking through both pads and tampons so I've learned to change them often. If you continue to have a super heavy flow and if you get big blood clots then you might have to go to the doctors like I did. They put me on birth control so I wouldn't bleed as much and so I wouldn't have irregular cycles (I'm 15) but at your age this sounds normal so just wait for your body to adjust to the cycle.
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by KawaiiArt
Thanks guys :3
9 years, 7 months ago by Margaron
@Robin99 I was the same, I was on the pills for years because my period was heavy and like every other week. Now that I'm in my twenties it's sorted itself out and I have normal periods again
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by Mermaid12
@Margaron Every other week!?!?? OMG I would dieeeeee!!!!
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by Robin99
@Margaron My mom never believed me when I told her how much I was bleeding. I stressed a lot about my period because I get it at the randomest times and I'd always leak through. So glad to be on birth control and on a regular cycle. The only problem is I never got cramps before! I always thought everyone was overreacting about cramps but since being put on the pill I've been getting cramps and I hate them!
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by KawaiiArt
@Robin99 lucky me, I still haven't gotten cramps yet 😄
9 years, 7 months ago by Margaron
@Robin99 Yeah, I became a lot less active and didn't really do a lot, I was almost always tired! I didn't get cramps until I was on the pill either! There's some people who just don't get them and now, even though I'm not on the pill anymore I still get them :/ Kind of sucks but I don't have them nearly as bad as some people do.
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by KawaiiArt
I would have 2 reasons to use the pill sometime later: to control my acne ( if it's hormonal which I'm pretty sure it is) and to reduce the flow if it gets too heavy
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by Robin99
The pill didn't help with my acne (which I totally thought it would) 😛 oh well. Good luck with everything KawaiiArt and don't be afraid to talk to an adult about all this if the need should arise 🙂
9 years, 7 months ago by Braacelets
When I first got mine, I didn't get it for another 6 months! Then it sorted itself out. When I have my period at school, I usually change every 2-3 peeriods to prevent leaking. Also my mom told me to wear right underwear so the pad stays in? Lmao, idk if it makes sense. Im sure you can find tampons for a cheaper price, just look. Im not sure where you are from, but here in NY (Where I am) we have 2 major pharmacies, DuaneRead and RiteAid. They both sell -pads and tampons at a decent price.
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by KawaiiArt
I usually get my pads at food4less
9 years, 7 months ago by Shegorules
@KawaiiArt Before using tampons talk to your doctor first. Some advantages of using tampons is you feel so much cleaner. I can't believe I went 10 years only using pads. Some disadvantages is TSS it is a rare but dangerous. It can occur if you leave a tampon in for to long. Don't leave a tampon in for more than 6-8 hours and if your worried about knowing when it's time to change it it will be obvious. I would also suggest talking to someone close to you who is a female about it. 🙂
9 years, 7 months ago by Shegorules
Oh and a large box of tampons does not cost that much is about 12-15 dollars at Walgreens
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by EdenWolf
Wow. I'm 13 and still haven't gotten my period :I But my mom said that it will probably happen this year. I just want it to happen so I can get the worrying of when it will first begin over with 😛 I'd probably say wait to be a bit older with tampons, but it's your choice. Also, be careful of Toxic Shock Syndrome, I believe it was called, that you can get from tampons. Thus it's not reccommended to wear them more than 24 hours. Or so I was told...
Bracelet King
9 years, 7 months ago by EdenWolf
Oh, so it's more than 6-8 hours. Wow. Lol