Read this forum when...
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
You open up this forum..Hello! I made a forum post to help people when they felt like they had no purpose or when they had a rough day. I learned that a lot of people have these issues and tons other which is why I made this forum post. I want to help other who have a hard day, can't sleep, feel alone, and more. When they need a pick me up I want to be able to help because I've went through problems too and I had things I didn't realize until I was done with my problems. I want to be able to help people with their problems otherwise we're stuck in our own mind prison which is what I was stuck in for many years. I don't want others to be stuck. So look down below and if you have any of these problems you can read that certain spot/problem or all of it. It's up to you and have a good day!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When your having a bad day... I know your having a bad day. I really hope it gets better soon. If you ever need to talk to me you can pm me and we can talk. If you don't want to though, I'll tell you something here. Bad days happen to everyone but it keeps us strong and tough. I may not know what happened but the worst of the worst can get better the next day! This day I think you need to work on self care. Breathe in and out five times and continue to smile even when you don't feel like it. Don't let others get to you and when they do just know that your a strong, independent, beautiful individual! Have a better day! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For when you feel alone/sad... I know what it's like to be alone. I do. But you know what, your not alone. Why? Because they're so much people out their who care. They may not all be family or friends but they do care. I care about you and every single person in this little community we have. We may not understand how your feeling at that "very" moment but we've all been there before. Whether your surrounded by people, you can still feel alone just like I have felt many times before but like I said.... your not alone.. When you see someone feeling alone go try to be there for them. Do something to them that you wish someone had done for you at this moment. We'll get through this together, one day at a time. I'll be here for you. Good luck. Take care of yourself because we are here for you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When your feeling stressed. I know your feeling stressed. Feeling stressed causes all sorts of things from not being focused all the way to getting angry at other people for no apparent reason but you know what? That's ok! Feeling stressed is what makes us all human. But if you can't take the stress and your overwhelmed I want you to do something. Look at somebody you love. Whether it's a picture or just a person and think about all the things they've done to make you smile or laugh. Next I want you to take 5 deep breaths in and out be slowly. Lastly I want you to look at yourself or tell yourself that your amazing and you can do this! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you can't sleep... I don't blame you if you can't sleep. I have a hard time sleeping as well. So instead of counting sheep give yourself a few deep breaths to calm your self down. Relax yourself. Put on fluffy socks or get yourself some tea or warm milk and take a bath before you sleep. Some things I try to do is listen to calming music. Try to get off your phone and read a book. If you still can't sleep then just close your eyes and think of the most calming thing you can and you'll fall asleep soon. Try to anyways. Good night and take care of yourself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you need a confidence boost.. You are a really cool, beautiful, individual! You are amazing and so freaking gorgeous inside and out! Your hair looks flawless and your personality is great and outstanding! Sometimes we don't see the beauties of ourselves but it's okay because everyone has insecurities. But who knows. Maybe someone in this world loves our insecurities but to be honest our flaws and insecurities is what makes us unique and beautiful! Enjoy the rest of your day/night and remember your beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you want to read a embarrassing story (in general or because you feel embarrassed)... I wrote this in English Class. Ok so.. we'll call my crush ummm Craig and my bff Destiny... So At first, I was walking to class and then I stood in line. I stood behind this very tall person that was in my grade, who just happened to be my crush at the time. His name was Craig, who was one of the smartest in my grade. The halls were filled with students of all ages. They were all talking amongst themselves, as my best friend placed herself directly behind me. My best friend and I were having a normal conversation as we waited for our teacher to let us in. Then, my best friend gave me this evil glare. Before I could realize what she was doing, she had reached in front of me and tapped my crush on the shoulder. ¨Craig! Autumn likes you!¨ my best friend practically yelled. My heart was pumping so fast. I was so embarrassed! Now comes the best part. Craig´s friends were walking down the hallway towards us at that same moment. Just as luck would have it, they overheard what Destiny, my best friend, had said. One of them had responded with these exact words. ¨Ooh, Craig´s got a girl.¨ I looked brighter than a cherry tomato. ¨Destiny!¨ I yelled as she ran. I chased her down the hall. A few minutes later, we all head into class, and I came in last. I didn’t think too much about the turn of events. I placed myself at the table with my other friends. We all sat at a rectangular table that had five chairs, but only four of us sat there. There was an empty chair next to me and the rest of the tables had one or two available spots. I started to casually do my work when someone tall, and really smart sat next to me. You probably guessed this by now but you´re right, Craig sat next to me. Of all the people, it was Craig. My friends were all snickering as I tried not to even glance at him. Eventually, the bell had rang. I was the first one out the door and relief had been bestowed upon me. I run out of the building, all the way to the curb. I impatiently waited until the vehicle stopped in front of me. I quickly got in and we drove away leaving me with a ton of questions. ¨Why did he sit next to me? What does he think of me? Why did Destiny do that?¨ In the end, an embarrassing story started with me walking to class Formal because I used this as my English assignment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you need a smile.. Your strong, beautiful, independent, unique, and so much more things I can name! You have people who look at you and immediately get a smile! You are awesome. Someone like you deserves to be happy because being happy is important to everyone. Certain things make me happy and I'm sure they always you happy! You should do what you love and what makes you smile! I feel like everyone deserves to smile including you! You can literally lighten up someone's day by smiling! Others bring people down but that ok, it's life! You shouldn't worry about what others think because you are freaking gorgeous!! Have a wonderful day! |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by ceilidh
Wow that’s deep bro. Thank you
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Addie_bug
@-Nobody- thanks... i needed that 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by workmanha
You are literally my favorite person on this made me feel special when the people closest to me can't. <3
4 years, 3 months ago by ItzMe
That you ❤️