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Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by kmmorell
@Etown Totally relatable, or you act like a complete idiot around him 😂. I think everyone has that problem. I kinda just exist and don't really put myself out there. Just try to be able to talk to him, or maybe try to find something in common. 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by kmmorell
@XxpeachyxX try to pick friends that are down to earth. Don't be friends with people who enjoy drama. You'll see that your Middle school friends will change a lot. Usually girls get more catty and everyone's looking for approval from others. Just be yourself and you'll migrate toward people. A tip for HS is to just be yourself, stay out of drama (IT'S NOT FUN), and look for red flags when you make friends. Just be aware. There are a lot of manipulative people, and they are so skilled at it, you don't notice. For friends, again... be yourself and just start talking to yourself, and through time you'll notice who your real friends are. Also, don't be afraid to drop your middle school friends. I was really afraid when I started HS because I didn't want to be alone, but they were so toxicccc. Sorry I went off topic, but watch for toxicness and don't involve yourself in drama.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Etown
@kmmorell Yeah once I was talking to my friend and not paying attention to where I was going and walked straight into him 🤦‍♀️😂 He was also talking to someone but going the other way and we both dropped our was sooooo embarrassing. But thanks for the help 🙃
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by kmmorell
@Etown AHAHAHAH I did that toooooo 😂 😂 . like for real. And then I kinda just awkwardly walked away. I mean, just start talking to him, and if anything you can have a good guy best friend, cuz those are awesome.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by XxpeachyxX
@kmmorell I’m lowkey how do u find a a group of friends, like everyone had diff classes & stuff so like how do u find a group. This is kinda weird for me bc rn I have friends from separate groups, and I sit with other ppl rn that I would consider my group but they r not rly my type of ppl you know? Idk I’m jus rly dreading HS
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Etown
@kmmorell Omg I feel your pain! 😂 Yeah, I wish 😂 There's this guy that's been in my English and Math classes the past three years, he calls me "Bestie" and I'm honestly still getting used to it 🤦‍♀️🤣
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Etown
@XxpeachyxX I found a great group of friends, I do orchestra and we're all super close. So if you take a class like that that's kinda isolated (not a lot of people take) get to know those people. It's also alright to still have friends that are in different classes, but I don't really try that hard to bring them all together 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by -Nobody-
@09_blehh_2 Don't worry I feel your pain with a stressful math class. This year was my first year of high school and I transferred schools for the first time ever. I was a month behind in all my classes. They decided to put me in Algebra 2 instead of geometry and I got stressed every single minute. Having a math class that is that stressful is such a challenge. You are going to get through this! Also for the math teacher putting out a lot of confusing due dates. You could try to talk to her or use a planner to stay organized so it's less stressful. I could never go through that and I envy you for staying strong, and you know what? It's okay to cry sometimes. It doesn't mean your weak it just means that your working hard. When your doing homework it's good to take a five minute break so you don't get overwhelmed. Also in class ask your teacher if you could use the restroom (idk if your online or not but if your in person) you don't even have to use it, it's to take a break. Look in the mirror take a few deep breaths and say "I can do this!" Because you can do this! I'm here to support you! And as for those partners for your project? If they don't help you can also contact your teacher that way and if that doesn't work then try to talk to your partners about it. Communication is key for working in pairs/groups. Your doing great, keep up the amazing work! I believe in you!!! 💕
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by -Nobody-
@XxpeachyxX Giving high school advice is never easy considering I just started high school but I learned a LOT in my eighth grade year. Making friends or choosing a group is never easy. Friends can come and they can go just as fast. Finding a good group will take some time. Maybe a longer time than you'd like. Try to find friends that have the same interests as you or you u think you could be good friends just by observing. It's also good to communicate with some fellow classmates. Even just by saying "hi" to someone you could start a conversation and become friends! I have a really small group of friends, and I mean really small but most of them are in the grade below. I turned a freshmen this year so I don't get to see them. Not to mention I transferred online to a completely different school! I then started talking to this one boy. I'm very shy texting him but now it feels like I've known him forever. Choose your friends wisely even if it means to just observe the first day. Who knows what the new year could bring and someone could approach you or you could approach them. I believe you can find your group that's just for you. Be yourself! Don't act like anyone else. You will have good friends before you know it!
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by -Nobody-
@Etown Oml where do I begin on the awkward crush stories 😂 Anyways... Starting conversations with someone you admire is not a simple task. There's so many things that could possibly go wrong, Right? Wrong. Having trouble and being awkward is that as bad as you think. Also start a conversation with "Hey" or "Hey, how was your day." Let me tell you. Those few things could take you a long way. Believe me. I know 😂. Even if you don't end up with this one guy. They're still over a millions others. You seem like a really cool person so I think you can do this! Have faith in yourself as well. Faith is a big thing and confidence. Have faith, confidence, and I wish you luck! If you need anything else, I'm here for you.

Now go get yo mans! 😂 Sorry
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by kmmorell
@XxpeachyxX I had about 4 groups of people I sat with at lunch. I kinda migrated around till I found my true friends. I know making friends is really hard, but i found my friends in mutual interest of things (fb making, orchestra, a hatred of our english teacher, ect.) HS is hard to navigate. and it kinda sucks ngl, and Ik that's probably "sooo" comforting. but others are feeling the same way. If you want to be friends with a person, just remember that they are probably a little nervous themselves. Idk what type of people you prefer, but some of my best friends are total opposites of me.

For the different friend groups that you don't think are your type of people, just stick with them, and if you guys drift, you drift. ik this sounds kinda mean, but in High school you learn who you can always depend on to make your day better. Idk how to explain the best way about navigating high school or making friends, but just be yourself and you'll find people who appreciate the real you.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by 09_blehh_2
@-Nobody- Thank you and I will do that!
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Etown
@-Nobody- Confidence is definitely a thing I lack... 😂 I had to play a solo in my concert last year and I was actually shaking uncontrollably 😂 But thanks for the advice, I'll bring a friend along for emotional support lol
4 years, 3 months ago by RAVENC
Sry for the life story but other wise it’s not that bad...
4 years, 3 months ago by RAVENC
So my dad abused us (my fam) and I would take blows for my little brother and mom my mom died bc she was a crying mess bc she found out that her mom died and a drunk driver hit her and my brother died from cancer so I was left with my dad alone. I was so scared to tell anyone about it bc I was 9. We lived in a really bad part of town and as I got older guys started to harass me, so be tween them and my dad I was a mess. I blocked everyone out lost all my friends and so on. Except one when ever I didn’t have enough food he would feed me and when the beatings where super bad he would help me he was the only reason I kept living I slept with a flashlight bc I was scared of who would come in while it was dark and what could happen to the girl in the couch in front of the door( we lived in a trailer). My friend was involved in a school shooting and died it was bad I was covered in his blood I had nightmares so bad that I was scared to sleep. My dad got worse and he went to jail. Even tho he is terrible I still visit but he won’t talk to me. I got into the foster care and found some good friends. But now those two r in a fight and now my secrets and are starting to share them around school so now everyone know about my family and stuff. Idk what to do
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by -Nobody-
Ok, it may not be the best advice but I will certainly try. So your two friends are fighting right? And all your business is going around school? Ok so. First of all whoever is telling about your business is really mean and probably a terrible friend. That's your information and I would confront them about telling you person information without your consent! That's just not right because you told them because you trusted them. You should get to tell your own background and that's only when you want to. I'm sorry this is happening to you especially with your dad. You could try to talk to him. It will take him some time though because he could either feel bad or think things are your fault which they're not! Try taking things slow with him. As for your friends, like I said previously. Have a talk I'm with them because in most situations talking is the answer to certain things. Talk to your friends and if they don't understand then they're probably fake or not true friends. I've had a few of those before. Also learn to love yourself. Friends are not as important without being friends with yourself. My dad and his girlfriend's friends all ended their friendships and they are doing good now. Friends come and they go, but your conscience and your spirit will never leave your side. Have a talk with yourself and remember your beautiful and strong! I made a forum post that says "Read this when..." and I think it can somewhat make you feel better. Be brave even though it's tough. I sleep with a light on top but for different reasons, and you know what? It's ok! We have our own reasons for doing so and some people may not understand. When it comes to friends you also don't need to change a thing about you! Stay true to yourself. Stay safe! 💕

Forum Post:
4 years, 3 months ago by RAVENC
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by luka2211
Ok sooooo I need advice 😞. Ive never had a real crush until just a few months ago when i met this guy named Zach. IM OBSESSED WITH THS BOY. but anyway he's straight and of-course i'm not 😢 so he will never like me back. i dont have that many friends so i dontt want to lose our friendship by telling him i like him but my heart is just broken. i cant get over this dumb boyyyyyyyyyyy. help please
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by -Nobody-
@luka2211 okay. So here's how I would go about it. You may not get over him which is something a lot of people suffer with when it comes to crushes. Here's how I got over my crush. I tried to push down my feeling for about two days and tried so hard to only see them as a friend. Obviously I still never got over him but I saw him as my best friend and I never wanted to change that because I needed a friend more than a boyfriend. I feel like since you know he's straight and if you wanted to confess I would wait a little bit longer until your ready and if you do try not to make it a big deal even though it's huge! Everyone makes it a big deal so when they get rejected it hurts a lot. I would go for the friend approach like, "Hey. I just wanted to let you know that I have a crush on you. I thought I'd tell you instead of hiding this secret from you. You don't have to accept my feelings and if you still want to be my friend then I'm okay with that and I would still be here for you when you need me." That approach would probably work better. If you need new advice you can tell me and I'm almost always online!
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by luka2211
@-Nobody- thank you, it really means a lot to me. I will tell him soon and try your technique.