Need Advice, Or Need To Talk? I'm here
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
Need Advice, Or Need To Talk? I'm here for you guys!
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by bablitsboo
Heyyyyyy I have a problem. Whenever I do something I like, i feel guilty because i think i am not studying enough even though i study all day long and get very good marks
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by bablitsboo
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
Ok, I've never had this problem. But if you feel guilty I want you to take them time and figure out how long you study for and how long you normally do things you like
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by B_ridgette
sorry, I know this is old and selfish, but I'm going to post. So I've recently got into bracelet making seriously. I really enjoy it and would want to start an Etsy, selling bracelets and key chains. While my dad is supportive of me doing what I like, I can see that when I talk about pursuing art or crafts like bracelets as a way to make money or like having an Instagram for art/bracelets, he pushes it off and wants to end that convo and move to a different topic. We were talking about colleges earlier today, and I said I was thinking about going into the Arts, and Fine Arts, and that is the only thing that I feel happy about and makes me content, he tried to bring up other things I relatively enjoy and am good at, like math and science, where he thinks it is a 'good job'. And other interests I have, like plants, because he is a landscaper. I notice he doesn't ever support or do anything about my bracelets or art when I tell him that I could sell them, he rubs it off.I don't really want to straight-up confront him because he always gets mad and yells at me and says I need to have respect. He and I have always argued about some of our opinions, and he's not someone who is a super open person. Any advice? Sorry for the reply. I know it's not important. ok, bye
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
@B_ridgette whew ok, here's my advice it might not be the best but I can try. First of all, important thing to do is follow your heart! Nobody can really tell you what job you can get and I know it doesn't sound right because we need to respect our parents. Following your heart is something important to you but also your mental health. You could always try to sit down, take things slow, and express what you would like to do and tell him that there's still a long time to discuss these things if it's not your goal I'm a few years. If you are really interested I want you to be open. Because sometimes if you be open to a parent even when they're not open then it can make them think things out and they may not reply right away he could reply in a few days because one day or another he'll continue to think about it until he responds reasonably if you get what I mean. But good luck and follow your heart and do what you love! My dad tells me that if you do what you love then you won't have to work a day in your life. Metaphorically speaking anyways! Take care of yourself and hopefully this helps |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by B_ridgette
@-Nobody- thanks for your advice. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you. ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
@B_ridgette your welcome! Good luck! 💕
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Addie_bug
@-Nobody- okay. soo i just need to vent... here we go...sorry for the life story it does not make sense if i dont so..... so, it started when i was in like 2nd grade, (im in 7th grade now) my mom and my dad got a divorce, no big deal. and then i lived with my mom for most of the time and went to my dads house when he was not at work. (like a couple days a week) and my dad.... he has a mask.... he drinks and hides it, he goes with girls, get's them pregnant, and leaves them. hes addicted to his phone... anyway, when i was living with my mom, we had moved (again) and it was this tiny cute little house. and my mom got with a (not to be racist in any way) black guy. he was rich, he gave us stuff and it looked like he loved my mom. a year or two later we moved again (i think i have been to 5 schools in my elementary years. and im shy so its....idk) and they broke up... and i never really thought about it. and my mom was in a really dark place like 3 years ago... she could barley afford the rent so my aunt (her older sis) had her live with her in her 3 room town home. (i have 3 siblings) and that was kinda hard.. but we got through it and rented a townhome in the coldasack. and one night i was staying up in my room.... and i heard my mom out in the back.... i did not think much of it but i looked out and she was blindfolded, crying, and a black dude (again not to be racist) was by her and kept going at her aggressively and grabbing her arms and shaking her and stuff.... my older brother came in and told me to come into his room (where we could see better, he was up too) and it went on for like 30 mins, then my brother said to go to bed and i did. the next morning my aunt was at the door crying.... and was talking about my mom.... i was horrified. she was in the hostpitial. then the police came and stuff and we moved THAT weekend. no planning at all. and i learned that this dude that was her boyfriend 4 years ago was sexually harrasing her and he is now in jail. i missed the first week of school and did not care... Anyways that the backround of the story.. here what is on my mind day to day (cooled down) {if you are still reading this thank you} so, all of my BEST friends are at the school that is by the elemntary, and since i moved, i cant go there. and all of the things that have happened in my life, i have become super shy and introverted. so it was REALLY hard to even talk to anyone.... and so i try and email my friends. (they dont have phones yet) and my friend that responds the most.... she is.. stopping talking to me. and im scared because i have nobody to talk to. i also have this boy i like at shcool, but i dont know if he likes me. (he keeps on looking at me, but if there is a chance to talk to me, he walks away) and i try and tell her about him (like any teen girl would do) and sent her a 4 paragraph email and she did not respond at all. then i realized that i have no one to tell everything about..... its emarrasing that i sit at lunch alone everyday. and i hate it that i cant be strong enough that i cry over every little thing....i cant think if i missed anything but if i did i will message you. i have to go because im in school |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by kmmorell
@bablitsboo I did that like a year ago, and then i realized how much i was studying like 3 hrs after school and i was like nahhhhhhhhh can't do that. So I still do study, but any time I think I should be doing work, just think about how many hours you already studied.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by bablitsboo
@kmmorell thank u so much! I will definitely do that ❤
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by kmmorell
@Addie_bug THat sounds so tough, and I don't know what your going through or how hard it is, but I'm gonna say things get better. Sometimes friends drift, and Ik you probably like "gee thanks" but it's true and it sucks. I relied on this one friend for years, she then moved, and we drifted. Try to put yourself out there. You probably don't trust easily, and that's perfectly ok. Go at your own pace, but be open to new friends. Let me know if I can do anything to make your days better. And remember, things will get better no matter what. Keep looking up.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by kmmorell
@B_ridgette I would say, keep doing what your doing, if you want to do it, don't let anyone hold you back. Ik parents support really helps. Maybe you're gonna do it for a job, or maybe it'll be a side thing. I think that parents are worried about the kids and they think a stable job is good for them (which it is) but they might not share the same views. I would either respect his opinion and keep going, or try to explain that it makes you happy and how important it is to you. Don't let anyone stop you.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
@Addie_bug Hey. So I have no idea what it must be like to witness all of this. It must be extremely tough and I feel really bad. It's hard to respond but. If you feel upset take some time to take 5 deep breaths. Also, my step mom has no friends and she's doing great. So what you can do is look in the mirror and say that your beautiful and an important individual. Know that you are loved! You will get through these tough times! I believe in you!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by donuts98
@Addie_bug That probably a really hard thing to be going through but if you ever need anyone to talk to (or a online friend) you can message me anytime! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Addie_bug
@donuts98 @-Nobody- @kmmorell thanks! I'm having a bad day and just needed to vent. Thanks for the feedback. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ It really does mean a lot.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by B_ridgette
@Addie_bug First, I'm sorry about your mom, and I hope she is getting help and doing better. Sexual Harassment is serious.So about your friends, I understand. I'm in a similar situation, and it's hard. I would say to keep being on BB. It's a good community, and you can message people, just like texting. I think that if you mabey try to talk to some person, to try and make friends. I know it's easier said than done, and as an introvert myself, I know it would be terrifying. And about the guy you like, I'm not an expert on crushes and relation ships, but I think you should just talk to him. Whether you become friends or in a relationship, you have a person to talk to. Hope you are doing well, and that this helps. You can always message me. ❤️ |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Addie_bug
@B_ridgette thank you so much! And if all fails I have the amazing community on braceletbook. its good to know that.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by XxpeachyxX
Well hs is next year for me, & I just wanna find the perfect group of friends any Advice??
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Etown
This is just something I hope I can figure out 😂I have had a crush on this guy for a while...but I'm super shy and don't know how to even start a conversation about something other than math. I've only told two friends I like him, is anyone in a similar situation or have some advice? 🤦♀️😂 |