embarrassing story’s! page 2
4 years, 3 months ago by ItzMe
When I was like 6 I was camping and I had just ate and went to bed. I woke up and thought I had just sweated a lot so I went outside and told my WHOLE FAMILY about how much I had sweated. My mom pulled me aside and if y’all haven’t noticed I peed myself 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by as_he
i farted is someone's face by accident bc the person was trying to scare me from behind
4 years, 3 months ago by Addie09
Last year (I was in 5th grade) we were going inside from recess and I tripped and fell on the stairs in front of my whole class while my teacher was standing right next to me. AnD last year we went on an overnight field trip and me and my BFF were in the same room with two other girls (they were the popular girls so my BFF didn’t want to be with them but we were fine) so me and my BFF were making a flashlight language while we were in bed after our showers waiting for the teachers to come make sure we were in bed. So we were the first room so we couldn’t really hear the teachers coming so one of my teachers came (we switched classes last year between two teachers) came in to make sure we were in bed and we weren’t supposed to be doing anything so she came in and I tried to hide the paper with the flashlight language on it and ended up in this really awkward and really suspicious position trying to hide it.
4 years, 3 months ago by tinyCup
Once it was like last summer but me group has a thing where all the families go to this camp and rent a cabin so I had a crush on this guy let’s call him Sam. We were both like 11 and it was really awkward because he liked me back and EVERYONE knew but any way we were in the pool and me and Sam were playing catch and my friends were being mean and bugging us they were like hey watcha playing even though they already knew but when I answered them I accidentally said crush in stead of catch. I was so embarrassed
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by AHope
I play volleyball and I had a game a while back i slid on my knee pads to get the ball and instead of passing it the ball hit me right in the forehead
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by loverknots
When I was in second grade I went to a sleepover with over 20 girls their and a puked I still get flashbacks to this day😭😭😭😭
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Firecorn
Well... Soin3rdgradeibrokemytoebecauseiwasataswimmeetandallofasuddenireallyneededtogotothebathroomsoifastwalkedtothelockerroomswherethefloorisverywetandislipedandfellandmytoewentcrashingintoapostinbeetweenthestallssotheniballedmyselfuponthebenchcryinguntilsomeonecameinIf you could read this that is what happened to me :I |
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by 2006_Mandy
The other day I was in my French google meet call and asked where to write my answers like what page for the thing we were doing. Stupid me didn’t realize we were on the first page of the package. My teacher seemed really annoyed and the next day in class she was like you confused me the other day by asking that. Needless to say I wasn’t paying attention
4 years, 3 months ago by HoneyBee10
so one time me and my 3 friends 2 of them were boys and the other was a girl and we were playing would you rather and the girl said would you rather kiss me or her she said as she pointer to me and the other kid just broke up with his girlfriend and i was only seven when he asked me this but he said if i kiss you would you date me face turned red and i ran to the bathroom i didn't come out but later that day in art he sat at my table and he asked me again and i couldn't answer 🙈
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by amazingme
When I was in like 6th grade I decided to dress up like my friend cuz we looked similar. So anyways, we were the exact same down to our shoes. I even put in colored contacts to match. And it was pretty fun, like people confused us with the other person and it was hilarious until..It was my last class of the day and my crush walked up to me and said, "-my best friend's name-, I like you. Will you go out with me?" And I was so red so I just pulled out my contacts and just stared at him. And I finally said "You've got the wrong person, but clearly you don't like her that much if you can't even tell her apart from her best friend!" I don't know who was more embarrassed that day. 🙈 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by beep33
I fell up the stairs. 😂 I had a lot of stuff in my hands and I had my backpack so I just dropped all of it. I was all alone in the hallway ecsept 5th grader was walking through the
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by beep33
Except for this one 5th grader who was walking thru the hallway and he just stopped and looked at me and I was just like 😳😬
4 years, 2 months ago by rehehehhe
One day I was at school and I was talking to my crush. And he said something stupid. Idk probably I litterally was watching this musicglyy? And I was eating oranges and I spit them in his face🤭 I blushed so badly and I think he knew I liked him because I’m my friend group there was 2 girls and 2 guys and the girls liked the guys. So I liked that one guy. I never again talked to my crush while eating
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by loverknots
Me and my ex are still really good friends and we haven’t seen each other in a long time since corona and I saw him on Monday and it was the most awkward thing I’ve ever been through in my whole entire life