embarrassing story’s!
4 years, 4 months ago by Z_crafts
I’m here to know what kind of embarrassing stories you have so if you want to know how to fix it I can help you or you can just share it!
4 years, 4 months ago by Z_crafts
So in the 3rd grade I had a broken collarbone and I was walking what I called cute and I fell and started crying because I tripped on my shoelaces and fell on my collarbone
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by ananya123
ok! 😂so in 4th grade my crush and I were sitting next to each other. I was helping him with some homework. from the front of the class the teacher said "WHO IS FLIRTING IN THE BACK??" I was so embarrassed and so just lmao scared 😂 😂I was blushing. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 |
4 years, 4 months ago by Z_crafts
4 years, 4 months ago by Ava_Hope
my brother was 7 and he never washes his hands, yes I know it's gross, but one time we were at a restaurant and my brother went to the bathroom. I had my nose in a book and when I heard the door open I thought it was him so I said "Did you wash your hands" not even bothering to see who I was talking to. It turned out to be a random woman (unless they identify otherwise) that I didn't know them I was so embarrassed, I have yet to live it down. Luckily we were on vacation so I have not seen them since that day.
4 years, 4 months ago by Ava_Hope
@ananya123 same thing happened to me!!! but we were at the front and it happened many times per week. lol
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by ananya123
@Ava_Hope lol that sucks! 😂 😂 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Cassie989
I one time fell down really hard in front of a bunch of people at the park or somewhere like that and it really embarrassed me. 🙁
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
Ok so.. we'll call my crush ummm Craig and my bff Destiny... So At first, I was walking to class and then I stood in line. I stood behind this very tall person that was in my grade, who just happened to be my crush at the time. His name was Craig, who was one of the smartest in my grade. The halls were filled with students of all ages. They were all talking amongst themselves, as my best friend placed herself directly behind me. My best friend and I were having a normal conversation as we waited for our teacher to let us in. Then, my best friend gave me this evil glare. Before I could realize what she was doing, she had reached in front of me and tapped my crush on the shoulder. ¨Craig! Autumn likes you!¨ my best friend practically yelled. My heart was pumping so fast. I was so embarrassed! Now comes the best part. Craig´s friends were walking down the hallway towards us at that same moment. Just as luck would have it, they overheard what Destiny, my best friend, had said. One of them had responded with these exact words. ¨Ooh, Craig´s got a girl.¨ I looked brighter than a cherry tomato. ¨Destiny!¨ I yelled as she ran. I chased her down the hall. A few minutes later, we all head into class, and I came in last. I didn’t think too much about the turn of events. I placed myself at the table with my other friends. We all sat at a rectangular table that had five chairs, but only four of us sat there. There was an empty chair next to me and the rest of the tables had one or two available spots. I started to casually do my work when someone tall, and really smart sat next to me. You probably guessed this by now but you´re right, Craig sat next to me. Of all the people, it was Craig. My friends were all snickering as I tried not to even glance at him. Eventually, the bell had rang. I was the first one out the door and relief had been bestowed upon me. I run out of the building, all the way to the curb. I impatiently waited until the vehicle stopped in front of me. I quickly got in and we drove away leaving me with a ton of questions. ¨Why did he sit next to me? What does he think of me? Why did Destiny do that?¨ In the end, an embarrassing story started with me walking to class. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
I have some other good stories if you want to hear them to. The reason that story sounded formal was because I was writing a personal narrative in English and thought my story would be perfect!!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by scarhead12
Ok so lets pretend my name is FifiI was having a dance party in class today and this girl was making a weird face and I was like oh shes watching me isn't she I just kept dancing but my dancing isn't dancing its like head banging and awkward hand movements lol because I listen to rock. Then suddenly in the chat I see GO FIFI GO FIFI from the girl I thought was watching me 😂 I wanted to turn my camera off but I didnt want her to think she embarassed me 😂 it was just funny and sad lol oh and I was lip syncing to the music 🤮 😂 😜 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by nev_m_07
Ok so this was in kindergarten (almost 9 years ago sheesh 😅). We’ll call me Nev and the other person Pat. Ok so I was walking to the board to place my lunch order for the day, but Pat wouldn’t hand me the pen to the board. So after asking him politely to give me the pen, I just started grabbing at it. Then, he started jumping around and I started jumping around. The only problem with this is that I was wayyy taller than him, so I eventually ended up knocking him over accidentally. So we fall, and right as we fall, we accidentally kiss 🤭. And as that happened, every single kid in our class is just staring. Also, need I remind you we fell, so to the rest of the class, it just looked like we were making out on the floor or something. Anyway that only lasted for like a second, thank god, before we got up and the kids in our class started giggling. Thankfully, the teacher was in the hallway, so she didn’t see it. After we got up, we sat on opposite sides of the room and just avoided each other for the morning. Then, at recess, we briefly discussed how we would never tell anyone else what happened. As silly as this was, I didn’t tell anyone about it, and even though it happened 9 years ago, it is a moment I will never forget 😂.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Elise64
So this isn’t that embarrassing bcz literally everyone else in the class was like this but in fourth grade we were always in a battle to be first in line and the teacher probably thought we were wackos 😂 so this boy was always rushing so fast to get to the front of the line, and then I started it and every day was like miserable because I just wanted to be at the front of the line and sometimes we literally RAN to the front of the line and sometimes people like “cheated” and they were in the front but needed to get Something and just put their thing down in the front of the line to go get something. And then Christmas was a dream because I don’t have to worry about getting to the front of the line on Christmas break and now looking back I’m like “WOW. We were such IDIOTS! Glad that year is over” LOL 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Elise64
@nev_m_07 LOL 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by BrookeM124
So last school year I had a crush on this boy so I decided to write him a note and put it in his locker bc my guy friend said that my crush liked me too. So I wrote the note and put it in the locker I thought was his, then when I was waiting for him to come to his locker I realized it wasn't his locker, and it was his friend's locker. then his friend opened the note and read it. Then his friend was showing it to everyone in my grade. Then I told him, it was embarrassing for me and him. This isn't my best sorry I just have time to type out the better one 😂
4 years, 4 months ago by MayaPizza
These are all so good I have read them all!!!! 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by 2006_Mandy
so um once I was with my friends in my basement singing karaoke on a real microphone. My friends wanted me to rap a song by cardi b and it had swear words; I skipped over them all except for one word which I had never heard of, then they all started yelling at me telling me it was wrong to say this word when it was not directed to anyone there and I had no idea that it was a swear word. It embarrassed me a lot and they didn't make me feel any better about it besides making fun of me for it many times in the future. 😐
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by 2006_Mandy
Oh and a whole other story at on my birthday I went to a indoor swimming pool, I invited a slight friend of mine and she ruined it; I had wanted a sleepover so I had asked her but she never responded eventually when she didn't I said to her on dm that I had made other plans and could no longer have her over. I ended up inviting my other friends from the last situation over and I regretted it. With all my plans in line and half of my friends not staying over the other half staying over this girl suddenly in the pool begs me to stay over and I said no sorry but i made other plans after you didn't respond. She went off at me swearing and putting the middle finger out, it was my birthday and I wasn't happy. I said a word and my friends all thought I was swearing the b word when I wasn't. No one showed empathy for me and I had a horrible night. Later on at my house when finally I was home with my friends I had plans of things I wanted to do but instead my friends started hanging out with my sister who I didn't want there. My parents said that If my friends want her there then she can be there and later when we agreed to sleep and my sister finally went up they did stuff without me. The next day I learned they made a short film without me ate half of the food I had gotten for school snacks that week and had so much fun without me. For over a year these events upsetted me they still do especially because my sister can hang out with my friends but I can't hang out with hers. It sucks I was extremely embarrased every time my friends talked about the things they did that night and how I was asleep. And this wasn't the first sleepover where I was embarrassed I once almost cried to leave a party and got bullied for it. If you actually read this all thank you
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by kmmorell
I pulled out a chair for my friend, but this women was apparently going to sit there... so it looked like i pulled the chair out from under her, which is what happened, but IT WASN'T INTENTIONAL.so embarrassing... |
4 years, 4 months ago by Zoeycraftf
My embarrassing story is when i was in 5th grade i was in class and had to fart so bad so i tried to get into a comfortable position but when I was trying to get into 1 I let it all OUT!!!!! I blamed it on the kid that only new spanish but my best friend new it was me and we just laughed!!!XD