funny confessions?
4 years, 4 months ago by Lobster
when i was 7 or so i was at my grandmas, and she owns a lot of land and horses and stuff. so basically she has this one mustang that she had to put an electric fence up for because he kept getting out. so i when i was younger i definitely thought i could talk to animals(as well all did...or maybe that was just me lmao) and so i went over to this fence to talk to the horse. like any normal person does. and my grandma goes “dont touch that fence itll shock you” and ofc me being a rebellious little 7 year old i grabbed that fence wire with both hands and yall can just picture what happened lol. but the best part is i literally went back to that fence like last year and touched it again just to do it... so if that tells you anything about my good judgment haha
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by ananya123
lol I love that story. I dont have a confession, but that was funny!! 😉
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by scarhead12
lol I'm just weird not even like oh I'm weird like everybody says that abt themselves but me oh I'm my own kinda weird like u dont even know its really hard to explain. I either question everything or nothing lol I think of the best funny comebacks/insults in like less than a second and like idk lol I find the weirdest things funny. I get the weirdest lyrics from songs like I don't memorize them I just get certian parts and say them when the song is on. ex. all I get out of Bohemian Rhapsody is GALLALEO ik i didnt spell that right but u get it. or like in Panama all i get is hot shoe burnin down the avenue 😂 lol if u want more weird things ask @Vsco_4Life shes been putting up with me for like 5 years
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Adriana16
I once grabbed a lady’s boob on accident because we where in this like tunnel things and it was dark and it’s a one way so the lady went the wrong way and since I couldn’t see I had my hands in front of me and the lady walked right in front of me and I accidentally grabbed her 😑
4 years, 3 months ago by sk81050
When I was eight or nine, I put my younger cousin a box
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by kmmorell
@sk81050 ahahaha 😂 I did the same... but a closet and wouldnt let them out....
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Firecorn
well once I accidentally kissed my bestfriend I meant to hug her but i kissed her
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by sadnymph
in ikea, my brother hid in the wardrobe department. it took us ages to find him and we had to get 3 staff members to help. we found him, and everyone was expecting a happy reunion with everyone crying, etc. my mama was so mad she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him home. “no ikea meatballs for you, elliot!”
4 years, 2 months ago by rehehehhe
I was talking to one of my guy friends and I was like wow your a real rebel aren’t you? (He had gotten in trouble) and he flipping looked at his crush and said yea😏 guess I am. And I died laughing. Because it made it look like he was flirting with me. And then my friend thought I liked him-
4 years, 2 months ago by fire31
When I was younger we had one of those little kid Barbie Jeep’s that you can drive down the sidewalk. Well I was driving and I was mad because my little sister wouldn’t move out of the way of the sidewalk so I just ran her over 😳😂. Thankfully she was fine and I apologized.