anyone catching feelings for people page 2
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by ananya123
@OceanMist Wow! great story. I enjoyed it 😉
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by workmanha
In 8th grade I took a Spanish class (with a bunch of 7th graders) and there was this kid in my class named and him became pretty good friends then when 2nd semester rolled around and everyone got new schedules I had spanish with Kaymn and his best friend Justin and so we all became friends. My friends always teased me that I had a crush on them both (which wasn't true). So we went about our year and then my 9th grade year and their 8th grade year I had spanish with just Justin and we were still friends. Then November of that year his sister passed away and t was really sad 😭. Then I felt so bad for him that I finally admitted to myself I had a crush on him. That was fun telling my friend that 😂. Then my friends and I spent the rest of the year "teasing" him and tryng to get his attention because we were dorks like that 🙂 and then school shut down in March and then I moved. (only about 20 minutes away) and now I will probably not ever see him again or at least for a long time. But since is November I am thinking about msging him to see how he is doing because it probably is kinda a sad time right now for him. Oh and also my sister was best friends with his sister and to this day she still doesn't know I Had a crush on her best friends older brother 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
Ok so to is is just an embarrassing story. But here goesOk so.. we'll call my crush ummm Craig and my bff Destiny... So At first, I was walking to class and then I stood in line. I stood behind this very tall person that was in my grade, who just happened to be my crush at the time. His name was Craig, who was one of the smartest in my grade. The halls were filled with students of all ages. They were all talking amongst themselves, as my best friend placed herself directly behind me. My best friend and I were having a normal conversation as we waited for our teacher to let us in. Then, my best friend gave me this evil glare. Before I could realize what she was doing, she had reached in front of me and tapped my crush on the shoulder. ¨Craig! Autumn likes you!¨ my best friend practically yelled. My heart was pumping so fast. I was so embarrassed! Now comes the best part. Craig´s friends were walking down the hallway towards us at that same moment. Just as luck would have it, they overheard what Destiny, my best friend, had said. One of them had responded with these exact words. ¨Ooh, Craig´s got a girl.¨ I looked brighter than a cherry tomato. ¨Destiny!¨ I yelled as she ran. I chased her down the hall. A few minutes later, we all head into class, and I came in last. I didn’t think too much about the turn of events. I placed myself at the table with my other friends. We all sat at a rectangular table that had five chairs, but only four of us sat there. There was an empty chair next to me and the rest of the tables had one or two available spots. I started to casually do my work when someone tall, and really smart sat next to me. You probably guessed this by now but you´re right, Craig sat next to me. Of all the people, it was Craig. My friends were all snickering as I tried not to even glance at him. Eventually, the bell had rang. I was the first one out the door and relief had been bestowed upon me. I run out of the building, all the way to the curb. I impatiently waited until the vehicle stopped in front of me. I quickly got in and we drove away leaving me with a ton of questions. ¨Why did he sit next to me? What does he think of me? Why did Destiny do that?¨ In the end, an embarrassing story started with me walking to class. |