anyone catching feelings for people
4 years, 4 months ago by montecarlo
ok so theres this kid that i liked last year and i told him i didnt like him anymore cause i didnt but we have been talking alot and im starting to catch feelings but he doesnt like me cause im younger than him by two years but thats ok cause hes an amazing person anyways. any stories?
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by XxpeachyxX
it’s ok. It happens, jus live I caught feelings for Patrick 💗💓💖💘
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by fuzzyfox
XxpeachyxX you are hilarious 😂

uhm... if I am I don't want to admit it 🙈 😐 😂
4 years, 4 months ago by OceanMist
Buckle up for this one 😂. This is the story about how I met my boyfriend and how we ended up together
So his very first starts in 2018. There was this boy in my class at my charter school names Caleb (there were 15-25 kids per class (depending on the class) and like 50 kids per grade) and me and him were kinda friends but we weren't super close or anything. we mostly talked about art and our comics/drawings. He caught feelings for me. I found out he liked me after i broke up with like my fourth boyfriend or something. I just kept complaining to him that no one liked me and that I only wanted my very first ex boyfriend etc... this made him very triggered and he finally confessed to me. I didn't know how to react so I was kind of an a$$h*le... He said he liked me and I kinda dismissed his feelings especially because he said he wanted to date me when I turned 16 but I was only 13 so I was very impatient 😂 I feel bad for being a jerk to him because he told me he liked me and made himself vaunerable and I was mean but basically we got in this big fight and I blocked him the next day. On may 24 I was going through my blocked list on instagram and I decided to unblock him and checkout his profile. I had totally forgot he used to have feelings for me and thought that our fight was over me being a thirsty h03 for guys who didn't even want me/obsessing over my ex boyfriend. i unblocked him and he had this one post that said 'tag you top 15 favorite people' and i clocked it to see who he tagged instantly my eyes were drawn to this one guys profile and my heart started to pound out of my chest uncontrolably. I had also made the decision a couple months prior not to jump into any more relationships for a while or at least get to know the guy first etc... I clicked on this persons profile (I didn't even know it was a dude yet lmao) and they had a bts profile photo and i love bts so i thought it was cute and then i read their bio. i don't remember what their bio said but it lead me to believe that this was a guys account (mostly because his profile name was Trent). I couldn't see any of his posts because his account was private so I requested to follow him and then I requested to sent him a message right after I sent a follow request. I started off with saying 'hey' and then I said something along the lines of; 'you're probably taken, or gay or something but I think you're really cute' (omg 1. idek why he would respond to that bc that's cringey af and kinda suspicious ngl 2. i didn't even know what he looked like yet so good thing he was/is actually cute). Not to long later he accepted my follow request and replied to my message. I don't remember what his message said exactly but it was probably kinda creeped out and he told me he wasn't gay. We texted for a little and the more we talked the more I got entranced by him. I told him I liked him but didn't really wanna date right away and I wanted to know him more. He told me that he already had a crush on this girl named Quetzali. I was really hurt but continued the conversation and pretended not to be bothered by his feelings for her bc I had only just met him and I was already so invested into him. I texted him like 3 times after that to have convorsations but it was twice the next day and once the day after that and we replied to eachothers stories for like a couple days but thats about it. Every time he texted me it made me feel sad that he didn't like me back and i knew if he liked another girl he wouldn't even think about giving me a chance so I told myself i wouldn't message him until I had lost all feelings and I was okay with just being friends. No matter what I did I could never stop thinking about him. All day everyday he would constantly be on my mind and I couldnt concentrate on anything else. I went to girls camp (for church) about a week after I completely stopped messaging him with high hoped it would distract me from him and that me and my best friend (Breezy) could have some fun times together and make good memories. While I did have a good time I still thought about him all the time and before girls camp I told my Breezy about him and how I felt and she said it would probably go away soon enough and I believed her when she said that bc it made a lot of sense. On June 21 2019 after about 3 days of debating whether or not I should message him because I still couldn't get him off my mind I finally messaged him. I got the most heartbreaking news ever... him and Quetzali were dating... I started to cry but told him I was happy for him. We texted all day and we played this 'game' where we could basically just take turns asking each other questions about each other. (important back-round information on his and Quetzalis relationship status at the time: him and Quetzlai had been dating for like a week and a half I think idrk the exact date or anything like that but she kept leaving him on read and she wasn't nessisarily mean but she would leave him on opened or stop doing something with him just to do something with her friends. She also got her phone taken away at this point and Trent started to loose feelings but he didn't quite tell me that. By the end of the day we had gone from friends who I liked him but he didn't like me back to he got really upset and emotional because he started to have feelings for me and he was loosing feelings for Quetzali but he didn't wanna be an unloyal boyfriend and hurt her (he has a lot of manners). I was shocked when he told me this but happy he liked me back but I also felt bad like I was taking him away from Quetzali and I didn't wanna hurt her or anything. I was also very terrified that if he was with me that he would dump me for another girl that just popped out of the blue (like he did to Quetzali) or that he would just strait up cheat on me bc he lived/lives 15 minutes away from me but hes a year younger than me and we don't go to the same school. He told me the only right thing to do was to break up with Quetzali so she wouldn't get hurt but she didn't have her phone or any way to contact him/him contact her so he couldn't. For three days strait we just played the get to know you 'game' where we took turns asking questions about each other from the time we woke up to the time we went to sleep. By the third day he told me he loved me and wanted to be with me and he didn't care how long we had to wait for each other. I told him I loved him too and I would wait for him as well. We didn't really wait and since we ran out of questions the next days conversation consisted mostly of sending hear emojis to each other. He told me that the purple heart emoji was our emoji because it's at the end of the rainbow and we would be together until the end. We never really technically said we started dating behind our parents backs but we both acknowledge that we were dating and we consider our anniversary is June 21, 2019. We are still together to this day and lmk if you wanna hear about how I told my mom we liked each other (I made up a whole fake a$$ back story) and/or if you wanna know about the first time we met irl. (bonus story: after me and Trent were together for a couple months I already knew he was my soulmate and I remebered that I forgot to apologize to Caleb. So I dmed Caleb and apologized for the fight and he said we were chill and then I proceeded to thank him for tagging Trent in that post (the way I even found Trent's account in the first place) and he started to get kinda mad and passive aggressive and I didn't know why and he started saying that Trent wasn't even that cute etc... and so I ended up blocking him again. Fast forward to like 5-6 months ago I was going through my really old picture from my old phone and I found a ss of Caleb telling me he liked me and that I was being rude and a jerk to him for no reason and the I realized why Caleb was so mad about Trent (also side note: him and Trent were never really close they had hung out a couple times bc Trent was friends with Calebs cusion bc they lived close to each other and so that's how Caleb knew Trent and Caleb didn't have a ton of friends so he tagged a couple people he knew (even if he wasn't that close to them) on the post and that's how Trent got tagged)
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by chianned
ok i really need advice so i liked this guy since 4th grade and every time i catch feelings for him there a lot of feelings like i never feel that way about anyone else but last year i told my friend that i liked him and my friend told him i was so mad at him but he didnt feel the same way so little by little i started loosing feelings in then in august when our class schedules came out im in like 3 or 2 classes and now i think im catching feelings for him again so idk what to do
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by chianned
@OceanMist wow r u still friends with caleb and yes i will love to hear the rest of the stories
4 years, 4 months ago by OceanMist
@chianned (Caleb and I aren't really friends anymore but we don't hate each other or anything like that) Okay so for some reason my computer keeps deleting things i type so this isn't gonna be to long of a story but this is how we first met:
Me and Trent wanted to meet for a long time and he found this church dance that there would be a decent amount of people so that we would both feel safe meeting there. He got to the dance first and me and him both brought 2 friends. I brought my friends Rayven and Elise (i'm not friends with them anymore but I was at the time). He brought this one kid I think his name was Issac so something and the other kids name was Gavin. I actually already knew Gavin because he was in my math class the year before and we went to school together for like 3 years or something but we were only school friends (meaning we didn't talk to text outside of school)). When I first saw Trent I was very nervous and shy. He was very nervous and shy too. We kinda talked but we were both nervous so we didn't talk a lot. Then came the first slow dance. He didn't know how to slow dance so I showed him how. He was kinda bad at it the first time but after a little he got the rythum and now he's really good at it. He told me that if I was okay with it he wanted to kiss me before the night ended. I was so excited and I said yes. He hadn't had his first kiss before so he was more nervous than I was. About 20 minutes before the dance offically ended his dad called him saying he was at the other side of the parking lot ready to pick him up. Trent looked at me ad told me he had to go but he needed to kiss me. (also he had already hung up with his dad so don't worry lol) Then he put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck and he kissed meeeee 😍 😍 😍 It felt like no one else was there except for me and him. When we broke away I could see how much he was blushing even in the dark. He started to walk away from me (to go to his dad) and RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EX BOYFRIEND (who I had my first kiss with) said, "I love you byyeeee" and my ex looked strait at me with jealousy and that was probably on of the best nights of my life. I kept walking around the dance waiting for my mom to come pick up me Rayven, and Elise and she did like 7 minutes after Trent left but I kept thinking about that kiss and Rayven kept catching my ex staring at me but i didn't really care because all I could think about was my first kiss with Trent.

Hope you liked this and lmk if you wanna know what I told my mom on how I met Trent lol.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by chianned
@OceanMist thats a cute story and sure i would like to know
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by iyamayam
I chose not to catch feelings for ppl, a. Because they will never like me back, and b. Because the boys in my school are unattractive
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by iyamayam
But I mean draco Malloy is pretty hot
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
@OceanMist I wanna know! I've been reading this story and so far it's better then some books I read 😂 can you @ me when you tell the next one so I can prepare my popcorn?
4 years, 4 months ago by OceanMist
@-Nobody- @chianned so this is the story of what I told my mom so she would let me go to the dance. So after a couple weeks of texting Trent I told her that I made a new friend. I told her that Trent and Caleb went to the same school and Caleb made this group chat with all his friends where we would share funny memes and stuff. And that one day Caleb got mad at me and kicked me out of the group chat and Trent messaged me personally and said he didn't know why Caleb was being such a jerk. Then I said that Trent added me back to the chat and me and Trent confronted him about being a jerk to me and unadding me from the group chat. Then I said that Caleb took both of us off the group chat and me and Trent became friends that way. Then I told her that I found out about the dance from my dance card or something like that and after the dance I told her that we met there on accident and I knew what he looked like from his pictures and when the group chat used to go on video call. My mom believed all of this lmao. Then a week after the dance I told her I had a crush on someone. Me and Trent set up a fake text chat where we basically confessed to each other all over again but when we were doing it it felt like the first time all over again and I was blushing and my heart was racing and it just made it look even more authentic. I then screen-shotted the chats and bleeped out his username so she wouldn't know who it was yet. I showed her that chats of us confessing for the "first time" and she said it was cute and was glad we were gonna wait until we were 16 because that's the rule in my house and in his (little did she know we were already dating lol). I told her like 3-4 days later who it was and told her I wanted to hang out with him in real life again and then we eventually went ice skating my my other now ex friend (payton) invited herself and invited one of her other friends as well as her girlfriend which was kinda annoying but we all had fun so it was okay.

If you liked this story I can tell you the story about why me and payton aren't friends anymore or I can tell you about the the first time me and Trent "made out" even though it's not that exciting XD
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
@OceanMist I just love these stories 😂 whichever story you want to tell I'll be ready
4 years, 4 months ago by estellajw
yeah definitely haha. but we’re both girls and she only dates guys lol
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by ananya123
@OceanMist I read all of ur stories. Please tag me if u write the next part to it. Anything is fine!! 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Elise64
@OceanMist WOW that’s a long story I’m about to read it
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -avarxse-
As of right now I have 12 fictional simps, and 2 people I know in real life simps lol
4 years, 4 months ago by OceanMist
@-Nobody- @chianned @ananya123 so this story is going to be a little bit different from the other ones I told. It might make you furious actually lmao.

So if you read the story about how me and Trent met you would know that he left quetzali for me. Soooo all throughout out relationship we've had issues with her. The first time was because he kept texting her and he got to see her everyday at school and hangout with her and they were really close friends. This made me really self concious because I felt like she was taking him back from me. So i told him about how i felt and he wasn't angry but he told me that i shouldn't get to control who he's friends with (this was in like November or December of last year after me being quiet about it for months.) Then in January or February (i think it was February but i'm only like 90% sure) I self harmed because this girl got inside of my head so much and made me so self concious and worried and i didn't feel like myself anymore and i caved in (i have had issues with self harm in the past but after this time I got help because it's never okay to hurt yourself and please if you feel like you wanna self harm or you feel suicidal please please seek professional help and care) afterwards I instantly regretted doing it. I didn't tell him for 2 says but i wasn't paying enough attention and i sent him a picture of the outfit i was wearing (i was wearing a new skirt i got and a short sleeve shirt but i put on a jacket so people wouldn't see and i thought it would be cuter in the picture if my jacket was off my shoulders and i wasn't paying enough attention and you could see the top of my forearms.) He saw these and had a talk with me about it and when he asked me why I told him the truth but he told me it was other things too and then he never talked about it again and he remained friends with quetzali. A week later we had a disagreement about something stupid (i know it was stupid bc i don't remember what it was) and I yelled at him and brought up all the things she made me feel and by the end of the conversation he had blocked her (i neveer saw a ss of him blocking her but I trusted and believed him and I still think he actually did block her bc this fight was pretty intense.) Our relationship hit a high after this and everything felt good and we didn't have many arguments ans when we did they were always small and we always made a good comprimise really easily. Then june happened. It was the begginning of june and idk how I figured it out but quetzali still wasn't blocked on snapchat. I was really hurt and upset and I asked him why she wasn't blocked and he said it had been a while and he thought it was okay to unblock her. I told him it wasn't okay and so he "blocked her again." I never saw a ss and at the time I believed him but I don't really believe that he actually did. I think there was one more time before june we fought abotu Quetzali but I could be mistaken bc I only remember these too ( I have a really bad memory). The the game amoung us came out. He got it right away but I was still kinda sus about the game and it seemed odd how popular it got super fast so I didn't get it. He played the game with his friends on the bus and stuff. I saw on Quetzali's snapchat story she had the game too and I told him and he PROMISED and swore on his life he would never play with her. But on September 27th (i think) I was going through everyone's stories on snapchat and I saw that she was playing amoung us with him instead of texting me back... I screen shotted that so fast and texted him yelling at him why would he lie to me. The thing is when I told him about Quetzali having amoung us he said "i know" which means he was already texting her and talking with her durring this time and that she wasn't blocked and they probably played a binch of games together that I don't know about. I was very heartbroken that he would do this to me. He was upset and
4 years, 4 months ago by OceanMist
@chianned @-Nobody- @ananya123 here's pt 2 because i accidently send pt 1 before I was finished writing

He was upset and apologizing a lot but sorry didn't mean anything to me anymore. I asked for his passwords because i already had them but he didn't remember he already gave me them. He refused to give me his passwords. I needed to hear his voice tell me what he did. Also I made him send me a screenshot of quetzalis snap blocked AND I messeged her and told her never to talk to speak or text my boyfriend ever again and she apologized. When I got the ss i noticed that her name was bleeped out... so I asked for the original ss and it was his nickname for her... ( :3 ) they made up this nickname after playing roblox together and its like catface or something like that. He would send me :3 all the time when he was happy and I sent them back because I didn't know that until he sent me the ss. My best friend thinks he's cheating on me and that he changed her name to catface so I wouldn't see it was actually a dating nickname and that's a pretty good theory but have no proof. I am going to log into his snap today and snoop around though so I'll let oyu guys know what I find then. I needed him to hear the pain in my voice so I told him if he didn't call me we were done. He called me and I yelled at him and he apologized and we talked it out and he gave me all his passwords to literally everything. We figured out what we needed to do and how he needed to change and ever since then he's been a lot better.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
@OceanMist the beginning got me mad but glad things are getting better