4 years, 4 months ago by montecarlo
ok so since covid and the debate and all of that i thought it would be good just to have a place with no hate to talk about any thing we have been stressed or anxious about and just to let go for a few min and maybe even give some advice. ill go first.

im way behind on my school work and i feel like my friends dont care about me. but theres one person that ive been talking to ( hes my friend) and hes also really stressed and we have talked about it and in the end we both felt better so we are kinda getting closer ( btw i might have a crush on him 😘)

your turn!
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
I've recently switched schools for the first time ever, I'm starting as a freshmen and was already one month behind... Me and my little sister both do online and we're both stuck at home while our parents work. She doesn't listen to me when I'm supposed to be in charge and I had no idea but she didn't even do her work for the first two weeks since we've switched. My cousin always gets mad that me and my sister argue all the time and I was recently put into mental health because I've been leaving marks on my wrist so hopefully it will help... whew this made me feel a little better
4 years, 4 months ago by montecarlo
@-Nobody- just remember if you ever want to talk just dm me and im here for you
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by -Nobody-
Ok. Thank you
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Green-B
Remember that in the moments that you feel like giving up, it is usually before when a miracle is about to happen. Keep your head up and don't look back! ❤️ I usually tell myself that in order to avoid living in the past, you have to move on.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by ohdang
im always stressed, theres so much pressure on me to be somebody that I'm not because I don't want my dad and stepmom to judge me, idk if I should move in with my mom or not.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by workmanha
Honestly I don't even know about my life at this point lol.....I feel like school, and babysitting my siblings and having a stepmom that treat me like trash has just consumed my life o anything I do I just get in trouble for so nothing I do brings me joy and I just bored all the time...seriously I could sit there for hours making a bracelelt but my step mom has yelled at me so much for doing things I enjoy because they are "weird" that I don't even enjoy it anymore....and I just moved and even though my old friends are only 20 minutes away I can't even hang out with them because of this whole covid stuff and I can't msg them because I am always grounded for stupid stuff and my step mom monitors everything I do....oof I just had to get that out...oh and also I feel like nobody wants me in my house because my dad ignores me, my step mom is always either yelling at me or annoyed with me (or both), my sister enters a room and automatically causes fights with me over stupid stuff and tells everyone everything I do, and I almost killed my brother (he swallowed a big magnet and almost died from it while I was in charge of him) so yeah...the only thing that is stopping me from running away is the fact that where I live it is already like 50 degrees so It is kinda cold...oof 😭
4 years, 4 months ago by radcliffe
@-Nobody- if u ever need to talk im here because i have been going threw kinda the same stuff as u
4 years, 4 months ago by radcliffe
@Green-B wow ur so wise
4 years, 4 months ago by radcliffe
@workmanha i honestly been feeling the same way i feel like nothing i do is never good enough im always being compared to my sister ( she's my twin) so if u ever need to talk im here
4 years, 4 months ago by montecarlo
@ohdang @workmanha @radcliffe if u ever need to talk im here. im sorry that youve been going through so much and i hope that you all know that your amazing and you dont ever have to change who you are and if people are being jerks its their falt not yours.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Mhetland34
I’m doing online school and it’s kinda stressful because I take school very seriously so when I can’t get on a google meet or something it messes up everything. Also everyone has their cameras off so I only see their school pics from last year. My family takes covid pretty seriously so we don’t have there most interaction with friends so I get lonely sometimes.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by riley_fxX
I’ve been rly stressed about a class I’m taking and I asked if I could switch or drop-out but they said no. I don’t understand anything the teacher isn’t the best and like.....ugh it sucks
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by LillyGrace
One of my really close friends is in the hospital and it’s a really scary thing and I don’t know how to handle it. I found out this morning and I’m just super devastated. I wanna send her a care package too but I don’t know what pattern to make for her. But anyways it just making me super sad 😔
4 years, 4 months ago by montecarlo
@LillyGrace im so sorry to hear that and ill pray for your friend
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by LillyGrace
@montecarlo thank you so much 🙏🏼
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Emakes
So I love riding horses and I'm training to compete as a jumper. Last week I had a really bad fall. I was going too slow towards a jump and after the jump the horse I was riding tripped and cut herself and ended up falling over on her side. I'm ok but the cut on my horse got worse and now I can't ride her for a bit. My instructor told me not to worry and that horses do that sometimes and that my horse will be ok. However despite all that I'm still super worried about her and I feel like it is my fault. All I can think about is everything I could have done differently to prevent that. 😢
4 years, 4 months ago by montecarlo
@Emakes dont worry its not your fault accedients happen