Good Patterns For a Wall Hanging/Tapestry
4 years, 3 months ago by Crystal012
I want to start making bigger things, and I was wondering if anyone knew some good patterns for wall hangings? I want something big, but manageable. Thank you! Any suggestions are appreciated. ❤️
4 years, 3 months ago by bl12es
I made #43338 for my first wall hanging.
4 years, 3 months ago by OceanMist
( #59401 This is my favorite pattern of all time and it would mean so much to me id someone made it because it's just so adorable)( #58813 you probably won't wanna do this one unless you've read the webtoon for it which I highly suggest) ( #58050 this one is just Jimins signature but it doesn't look very good)( #56661 This one is kinda boring and kinda suchs but it was my first big alpha lmao (it's a show of a rabbit person)) ( #58850 you probably don't wanna do this one bc it's a picture of me and my bf. Just thought I would add it in here for fun lol) Also If you like Todoroki and or Todoro I have a new pattern in processing rn that's todoroki with a todoro onsie on and it's absolutely adorable. It should probably come out tomorrow or the next day. It's pattern #1193319