Relationship advice
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by BandGeek22
I don’t have a bf (or have ever had one) but when I do what things should I know?
4 years, 5 months ago by sofa27
Sorry I can’t help you, I’ve never had a bf either🙁
4 years, 5 months ago by bunny9
I would say if youre serious about it like after the first month your like this one is becoming really important to meI would say be honest don't be too dramatic like its good to be light hearted but for me personally I like the whole deep serious vibe like being able to talk about anything like concerns or dreams idk that just might be me also just appreciate each other |
4 years, 4 months ago by Bria2263
Be yourself, don't change who you are for someone. In relationships there are things that will change but don't ever change who you are (likes, dislikes, boundaries, beliefs). Treat the other person how you want to be treated. #1 important piece of advice ~learn to COMMUNICATE in a healthy way. 🙂 Have fun and stay safe. Always make sure that both people are being respectful and ask for consent. Wether it be something as innocent as holding hands or anything further than that.
4 years, 4 months ago by estellajw
Communication is key! If someone won't communicate leave them! It's too childish. If they do something that upsets you speak up or else they'll never know they upset you.
4 years, 4 months ago by radcliffe
Hello i need advice so theres this guy we use to date for 2 months then we broke up then a couple months ago we started talking again and like last week he asked me who i liked and i told him that i liked him and he said he liked me too so then i told him that i couldnt talk to him for a while because i was going threw stuff then he texted me and he said that he lost feelings and if we can still be friends i said sure because i kinda was loosing feelings but then my friend texted me and was like ur "crush" was telling me this and that and he was playing the same moves that he made on me on her so what should i do |
4 years, 4 months ago by OceanMist
@radcliffe My suggestion would be to leave it alone because it doesn't seem like it's meant to be rn. That could change in the future but if it's meant to be then it will happen. You'll both find other people especially as you get older and if you and him end up liking each other again in a couple years and you're both ready for a relationship then you should give it a shot. But for now I would just be friends or aquantinces with him. (this is my opinion and you can do whatever you want and it's not my life so i completely respect your decisions)
4 years, 4 months ago by OceanMist
Relationships can be really tricky and difficult but one of my biggest pieces of advice is don't go into a relationship unless your BOTH ready for it. Also relationships are made out of 200%. 100% from each person. If you expect something out of a relationship then make sure you're putting that same amount of effort in. There will be some times when you partner is down and you have to carry 150% but that should never be for a long amount of time or super consistently otherwise your relationship will probably become toxic. Also you should NEVER be putting in all 200%, relationships shouldn't be one-sided. Never carry someones 150% unless they would do the same for you. Also if you want things to last take it slow and be honest. If you're not honest then you can't expect honesty out of your partner.
4 years, 4 months ago by radcliffe
@OceanMist i dont think we will be together when were older because he was a great bf and all but like he never gave me space like every free minute i had he would be there. Im not sure if i want to talk to him anymore tbh its like every time i think of him or talk to him i just get mad
4 years, 4 months ago by Lobster
from my experience, dont settle just because youre scared you wont find someone else! trust meeeee! and also if they arent treating you right do not make excuses for them!!! you are allowed to have standards and you are allowed to voice how you feel! but on a lighter and more fun note, relationships are so fun, like especially when they are your bestfriend too. and dont think too much abt it if you know what i mean, just let everything happen naturally(:
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by kmmorell
don't change your values for them.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by luka2211
Don't be afraid to say no and give consent. It doesn't matter if he gets feelings hurt because you dont want to do something. its your body and your choice