✩ etsy advice ? ✩
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by havencfree
hey ! so i'm starting an etsy store and i wanted to come to this community for advice ((: to launch my store, i'm planning on selling a couple of different products : a three bracelet set for 20 dollars , a duo bracelet set for 13 , and single bracelets for 7 , all in US dollars . what i need some advice on is - ✩ what color sets would you buy ? ✩ what normal patterns would you buy ? ✩ would you buy alpha bracelets ? ✩ what ties would you be more likely to purchase (an adjustable bracelet vs. a bracelet with a loop at the beginning and two bracelet ties at the end) thank u for reponding if u do & hopefully i'll be launching soon !! |
4 years, 5 months ago by calamari33
I’d buy like the basic chevron or the one with diamonds
4 years, 5 months ago by calamari33
And animal alphas
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by havencfree
thank u ! can i add u to my friends , so when i launch i can give u a coupon ?
4 years, 5 months ago by lylaevelyn
Hi! I started my Etsy a couple months ago, and I put almost everything I make on it. If I’m not going to wear it, I sell it. I figured out that making a ton of the same thing gets super boring so I recommend selling what ever you can, and make sure that you are happy with your shop and not overwhelmed.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Lizzie_Ann
i think bright and colorful or pastel colored bracelets would sell the most. Also try to do a range of different patterns, or techniques in case somebody wants a different type of this or that. Yes, make alpha bracelets, because like i said, a range of items is best. I think you should do both ties. What i mean is like do a loop on one bracelet and then make another bracelet hav an adjustable end. Good luck!