What is the Scariest Dream you have ever had? page 2
4 years, 2 months ago by radcliffe
i have had one and usually when i dream something it kinda comes true in some way and i cant get the dream out of my head so yea
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by allialexis
Mine was literally 2 nights ago and it was where my parents got divorced and my mom died, so yeah 👩🏽‍🦯 woke up crying but everything’s fine now 😁
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by nev_m_07
I got ran over by a bus 😐. I woke up in the middle of the night and I literally couldn’t sleep so I just stared at the ceiling for hours.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by sheepie
I can’t remember the details of this dream exactly, but it went like this. I was being chased by a group of people and I just knew if they were to catch me than I would be a goner. Then I think a giant knife cut me in half. I think it’s origins came from using my mother’s sewing machine, because it went by the same fast/steady kinda beat. As I said, I can’t remember precisely, but I think many would connect with me about remembering such pure fear.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Etown
Um, these are like reoccurring for me and it's kinda concerning. So my first one is that there is a rabid wolf in our house and it attacks me and I wake up crying and out of breath...then I have another where my mom is chasing me around the house with a knife trying to kill me and I wake up shaking...send help 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Cassie989
This is my dream, it happened not to long ago. Maybe a year or something. I was on this cliff, and someone told me to jump and I really didn't want to. I was super scared that I would fall and fall forever! That person finally just pushed me and I fell down, down, down. This one dream I tried to control. ( Maybe like I was trying to turn into Rainbow Dash and fly out of it) That would have been awesome! But I didn't and I kept falling and I finally hit the ground and woke up with a shock! It was super scary!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PugCakePop
Right in front of our house, there is this really long corridor. In the middle, there is a lobby for the elevators. Jn my dream, i was walking down the corridor towards the elevator. All the houses were emty. I pressed the button and the door opened. The elevator was not empty. Inside was a huge purple dinosajr, like barny but this one was 1000% demonic. It gave off a really dangerous and terrifying feel, and i was terrified. The gates to to the elevator started closing, but the demonic dinosaur had a very wide tail, and that stopped the door from closing. The doors opened and closed, opened and closed. Then the demonic dinosaur stepped out of the elevator and smiled way past his eyes, like up to its head. I ran, but my legs felt like noodles and were so,so weak. But i ran. About halfway down the corridor, another demic dinosaur appeared, out of a window, smiling in the same way the other was. I tried to scream but i literally couldn't. My voice wouldnt work, it was barely a squeak. This happens all the time when i have a nightmare. The demon continued chasing me. I was glued to the spot. Then, i woke up.
Or at least my mind did. I was experiencing sleep paralysis, and the demon was hovering directly over me. Its eyes were the possesed yellow, like in the conjuring or the nun, those type of horror movies. It lasted for about 3 minutes. I am traumatized for life.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elwen
My scariest dream was when I had to watch all my favorite characters be stabbed over and over. That one, unfortunately, is reoccurring .
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Jdog12525
That Swipper the Fox was coming through my bedroom window.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Godluvsu
i have this re-occurring dream where i get kidnapped and i cant scream for help, or even talk. i can only whisper. it is TERRIFYING.

it has some psychological meaning though, and when i told my mom she said she used to have the EXACT. SAME. DREAM 😂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Godluvsu
@radcliffe same! it is quite strange . normally i will dream that i am in a certain setting, (like a snowy mountain but a very specific scene) then i will wake up and forget the dream, then in the day i will randomly remember the dream when i am in the exact same place. it is sooo weird.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by donuts98
Ok, this is really weird. I was in a dark room with lots of cages on shelfs that had chickens in them. The chickens had red eyes and shot lasers but I wasn’t afraid of the chickens. There was this man is a black cloak thingy and this girl who looked like Cinderella and it looked like she was scared of him and he was talking to her. (I don’t remember what they said) I was really afraid of the man though. I have no idea where this came from 😂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by unicorn-02
i got lost in a zoo
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Etown
Ok so when I was five I had a dream the Frosty the Snowman was a balloon and someone popped him...long story short I woke up screaming crying 😂
But 2 nights ago I had a dream where I was watching myself get attacked by a British Red Coat in the 1700s. Idek but I woke up shaking 😂🤦‍♀️
Bracelet King
4 years ago by workmanha
@Godluvsu h my goodness that happens to me all the time it is weiiiiirrrrdddd
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PugCakePop
And I get these dreams when I'm sick with a fever and I'm sleeping. I cannot describe them at all but those are the scariest dreams I've ever had in my life. Once I woke up, and my mom's was sitting beside me to check my temperature. I guess my eyes had opened before I really woke up, and my mom was scared she said that it looked like I didn't recognize anything. All I can remember is that the dreams had some kind of sideways forest with bark and snow. That's just one of them, but I hate getting sick mostly because of these dreams
4 years ago by ezilabeth
once i had a dream that I was being eaten by a giant version of the tomato from veggietales... i havent been the same since
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Adriana16
My mom told me to go throw the trash outside and when I went outside theses 5 witch guys where trying to steal my moms car and I started to attack them and I 😵 them and I had to cut them all up and pick up there guts all over the yard and when I woke up I could feel the texture of raw meat in my hands I washed my hands like 10 times. Then I started to hyperventilate due to the fact that I felt as if I was touching dead body parts still
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by horses13
This is how the dream goes- My family was on a camping trip and this weird guy named Bob came with us but at night I woke up and saw Bob standing with a pocket knife in his hand. Snakes were crawling on the floor and a tiger with a horse head and a giraffe neck appeared out of no where and it attacked me. I woke up from that dream in my dream and my tv got an amber alert saying a tansmanianmoose
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by horses13
Was out I asked my mom what they were and my mom said they were really dangerous creatures and then I went to bed then the next day u was out at the store but then this weird creature came up to me and attacked me. Then I woke up in real life and I was sweating, one of my dogs was walking into my room and I thought that it was one of the weird creatures in my dreams.