🔊 Calling all middle schoolers!! 🔊 LETS TALK ABOUT IT
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Jessica33
oki hii I’m in 6th grade and ummm I’m gonna failllllll schooooolllll. Science 75.56% 😭 I don’t wanna get a C. I never got anything below a B. So um ya. (Btw srry if I rlly dramatic but it’s true I never got anything lower than a B in school before.)
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Jessica33
Also pls share ur middle school times in ur life pls. I can’t be the only one here right??? Pls say that I’m not the only one that is literally feeling like I’m in another world with hw and school.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by rubisaa11
Hi! I'm in 11th grade, but I was a 6th grader once, so maybe my I can try and give you some tips😅
If your grade is a C because of management issues, I would use an agenda and keep to a schedule to stay on top of your work. Keeping an agenda for me was super helpful to keep track of my assignments. I wrote down everything that I had to do for every class, even if it was just to wear sneakers for a science lab or to bring in highlighters. When I got home, I would write down a schedule for what I needed to get done that night. I would block out sections of time to do homework and study and would work that around my extracurricular activities. I'm the sort of person who needs to have a detailed schedule, but figure out an organizational method that works for you. The main thing is that you need to have a designated time to get your homework done so that you don't procrastinate.
If the reason for your grades being lower than normal has to do with the classes being more challenging, I would recommend asking your teacher for some help. He/she can help you figure out why you aren't getting the grades you should be getting and maybe they could explain how to get an A or B on their tests. You could also watch some videos on youtube to supplement your learning. I still do that when I don't understand a topic and it's super helpful.
Anyways, this was super long and I hope you didn't get bored🥵 Hopefully this was at least a little bit helpful to you or anyone else who needed it! 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Jessica33
@rubisaa11 OMG U R AMAZING! ty I rlly need an agenda. My life is so out of control! Like I neeeeeed some helpppppp. I need an orginized life. I rlly try to be orginized but, it’s NOT easy. Sadly 😔. But TYSMMMMMM omg ur amazing. But I hope u do great for 12 grade and going into collage! 😊 ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by rubisaa11
I'm glad I could help! It's hard to start to get organized, but once you figure out a routine that works for you, it'll make a big difference!
And thank you too!! I still find it hard to believe that college is around the corner for me😂 ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by 1aesthetic
@Jessica33 I totally agree with @rubissa11 I am in 7th grade so I kinda ended 6th grade online I can tell you this tho whatever you do keep on top of you work or else you will get behind. Personally I am failing math and its not because I don’t know what to do it’s because my teacher goes really fast through everything it might also just be because I am a 7th grader learning 8th grade content lol 😂 But I know you will make it through even tho it’s tough
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Someony
I'm in 8th grade and yea its hard
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by XxpeachyxX
Iv never gotten below a 95% EVER
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by nev_m_07
I’m in 8th grade, and I’ve been in your exact situation before. First things first, don’t freak out. C is still a passing grade, and you should still have some time to boost your grade. The first thing I would do is email your teachers because 9 times out of 10, there’s some kind of technical mistake with the grading system that causes your grade to fall. After you email your teacher, I would recommend going in and looking at all of the assignments you have been assigned and make sure that you aren’t missing any. I do this on a daily basis, just to make sure that I did all of my work, but once or twice a week is good too. Time management and organization is key to getting and maintaining good grades. I’ve been really on top of communicating with my teachers and asking for help when I need it, as well as organizing my assignments and prioritizing. Because I did all of these things, I’ve been able to keep and maintain straight A’s in all of my classes. Sixth grade is hard because you are adapting to a new schedule, new environment, new teachers, and new friends. It was hard enough for me in person, so I can’t even imagine how difficult it might be for you during these crazy times. Just make sure to breathe, take breaks when you need to, manage your time, and prioritize your assignments. The main and biggest point I can make here is don’t procrastinate. Just get stuff done when it needs to get done. It’s better to get it done and over with than to have it hanging over your head. If you need help, ask your teachers or text your friends so you can study together. If you are struggling, or you are worried that you might not be able to boost your grades, don’t be afraid to talk to your parents. Remember, they are here for you! Remember that you are in control. Don’t let your emotions, stress, or schoolwork control your life. It’s ok every once in a while to treat yourself to some you time. Anyway, this is probably getting really long, so just work hard, do your best, and breathe. You got this! ❤️🙃
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by workmanha
I am in 10th grade this year and it is officially my first year in high school. I know this is kind of terrible advice but your grades don't really matter until 9th grade so use these next few years preparing yourself. Developing good habits now will make it so when your grades count, it won't be as hard to keep up on them and get your homework done! Hope this helps!
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Jessica33
@XxpeachyxX WOWOWOWWWW UR LUCKY! I wish that was me.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Hazel23
@workmanha haha lol. I’m in 8th grade. High school starts in 9th for me and I’m taking 9th grade classes. So my grades now I’ll matter for college 🙃
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by hermione07
@Jessica33 I'm a freshman in high school and I just started in person learning. If you are online, lemme tell u one thing that is amazing to have: a planner. Even if you are in person learning. I found it very hard to keep track of online assignments, and my planner REALLY helped! I have never gotten below an 80 either, but I had a 79 in history because I forgot to turn in my syllabus acknowledgement form! If you are worried about your grade, then email your teacher. 9 times out of 10 they will help you get your grade up. I have a friend who was failing a class and went to tutoring and now they are passing, so if you can, go to tutoring! Make sure you check your grades, if you can. That will also help you keep track of what you are missing and still need to complete. If you fail a test or a major grade, make sure you ask your teacher if you can do extra credit of something to bring that grade up!!! You got this, I believe in you! Middle school may seem like a lot at first, but trust me, you will get through it!❤️❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Jessica33
@herimone07 omg yes Tysm. U are so amazing 😊 😊 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Ciao
I'm just gonna let you know this: If you work hard enough, you can bring your grades up. What you want to do is find the area that you are struggling in and really focus on that, for example, if your science teacher is really strict and will give you a 50 if you don't fill in one question on your homework, make sure you read all of the directions. If you are struggling with tests and quizzes in math focus on studying more. If your grade is still bad by the end of the semester, ask your teachers if they are able to give you an extra credit assignment.
4 years, 5 months ago by lylaevelyn
For me, only 7th grade grades and attendance were important to get into high school. Sixth grade is a year to learn about what the next couple years will be like, so I would let worry about a C. There are kids in my grimace that get d and f and they still somehow made it to eighth lol good luck!
4 years, 5 months ago by lilhula07
Hi I am a 8th grader. I remember 6th grade being an adjustment and for you it might be harder due to virtual learning. An agenda is a good idea and will help you with organization. I make a list of everything I have to do that week and check it off as I go to see what I am getting done. If you are a procrastinator like me that is a good idea. If you cannot focus then go to a place with no distractions. This could be outside or you room. If you parent is home (if you are virtual) sit in the living room or dinning room so they can keep you on task. If you want to get your grade up you could always ask for extra cred work to do so you don't fail. I was failing 4 subjects and then all of them at the beginning of the year and I was a straight A student. But I did those things and now I have all A's again. If you need help with science just let me know. I am taking high school science and math and I would be happy to help if you misunderstand something. ❤️
4 years, 5 months ago by montecarlo
umm well im in seventh grade and idk if this is only my school but alot of the kids are always like eww sixth graders and when the sixth graders are older they do that and on and on so if that happens to you make sure to be nice eto sixth graders because it made my year when my bff ( shes a freshman now) liz acted like i was her age
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Bracefacer
I’m in 6th grade and my year is going great the lowest grade I got was an A- and I already have friend groups and my middle school life all sorted out
4 years, 5 months ago by Froggyboi6
I'm in 6th grade and school does suck, especially online school. I always feel like there's so much to get done in one week but I end up finishing by Thursday or Friday, but I wouldn't get your hopes down! Remember to organize!!! 😊