12 years, 5 months ago by rhoffman
I have trouble staying motivated when I'm making bracelets for myself. I will start them, and then put them away and not come back to them. But yet when I'm making bracelets for other people, I can finish them in a few days. How do I stay motivated to make bracelets for myself? How do you guys do it?
12 years, 5 months ago by sluna54
i used to be like you lol but i guess thinking on how much string was going to waste! now what i do is start a bracelet and wont start another one until that one is done but now im more into bracelets than when i was back then
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by KotinKandy
IK EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN!! I have tons of bracelets for ppl but i never make one for me I finished one and it took a joke. I just think of how pretty it will look and think of peoples reactions but it doesn't always work I think of how cool it is when I'm done and finished so I finish it eventually 🙂
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by gatorgirl
i have a habit of starting one and then another and dont finish them. i ended up with 11 once! HELP ME!😲
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by KotinKandy
just do what i TRY to do 😉 i start one and then i tell myself that i cant make a new one until i finish unless like someone HAS TO HAVE one like for a special occasion or something, but those kinds i finish easily cuz i know i have to have them done. so i have one pattern i really wanna do but i am telling myself that i am gonna finish the one i started first. another motivation to finish them is because i have to store them and not get the strings tangled. sometimes i run out of bobbins to store them in but when i have them i just wrap the bracelet around them and put it in my bracelet box. 😄😛:[
12 years, 5 months ago by akjamz
yeah I find if I start working on something else it means I don't like whatever I'm making very much. Sometimes I have so many unfinished ones that I try and work on each one for a little to get myself to finish all of them before I can make something new. Also discovering this site made it worse cause I keep seeing cool bracelets that I like and want to make!
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by scarhead12
pick patterns and colors that u LOVE