weird random stories
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Elise64
So once i was looking at my YouTube channel and trying to figure out how to edit it and stuff even though I don’t have vids lol but anyway I went to my google account bcz I wanted to figure out how to change my profile picture. My sister had made my google account so I wanted to look at the information and stuff and then I saw that it said my birthday was my sisters birthday and I got confused so then I changed it to my birthday. Then I got an email saying that my google account was TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED 😰 and that it would be PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED IN 30 DAYS 😥😥😥 and also you can’t change your birthday! I FREAKED OUT and told my dad and I also logged out of my google account and couldn’t get back in. So then I had to try logging in then it would tell you the instructions to unsuspend it. I kept trying and it just keeps bringing you back to the instructions so we tried logging in on my dads phone and I still couldn’t get in but you could change the birthday and then you have to show them your credit card so my dad had to show it and he saved my account! 🥳 So if you are under thirteen and see that your age is older than it really is on your google account DO NOT CHANGE IT! ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by 2006_Mandy
I saw a spider in my closet hanging from my light above my dirty clothes that were sitting in my closet on the floor and I started screaming. I hated seeing it even though it was tiny and my sister was a brat about it threatening to hit it down which was scaring me even more as I would hate for the spider to be my clothing. Moral of the story is I flipped out and I have an extreme arachnophobia. So um that’s my greatest fear and I can’t tell you how childish I act when I see any bug. Somehow I love camping and I still love the cottage even when there’s lots of bugs.... 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Elise64
@2006_Mandy OMG ME TOOOOO! I am scared of e v e r y s i n g l e b u g I see even just ladybugs and tiny ants but I love camping
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by 2006_Mandy
@Elise64 well I’m not scared of ants for the most part or bees I mean I don’t like either but I will have no hasitation letting a bee fly around me without freaking out like the rest of my class would when I was younger. Any bug besides that is evil and disgusting and scary in my eyes.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by ks_wizard
Random story:
One show I did, we were closing and I had just sprain both my ankles. I had to can can with both ankles not working properly. But that’s not the point of the story.
So just before the curtain rose, a girl passed out. We were at a community centre, so life guards came, and one girl was bawling her eyes out cuz she thought her bff was dead. Then another girl passed out when she saw the other girl pass out. I nearly passed out since I had too many Frappuccinos.
Moral of the story, always eat lunch before two back to back musicals, never say good luck or Macbeth or whistle in a theatre.
Also don’t drink a venti double chocolate chip Frappuccino, Tim Hortons large Oreo ice cap and not go two the washroom for 3 hours.
4 years, 5 months ago by Lobster
I was at a lockin for a club at my school and we wanted to play hide n seek, so after it got dark we all paired up and went to go hide. like ten minutes into playing one of the girls screams from the other side of the school. we all run over to her and theres a homeless man outside the window just staring back at her. the cops got called and stuff so yeah. now when we have lockins we have to stay on the second story of the school
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Emaleee
I used to like this guy and he was really athletic, and he was flexing and all of his friends (they were all girls btw) and they were all feeling his arms and making fun of him and stuff and I was in the group and stuff, and after like 2 seconds everybody was done and I just awkwardly just felt his arm and he just looked at me like wtf and it was rally awkward.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Elise64
@Emaleee @Lobster @ks_wizard Lolololololololol 🤣🤣😂😂😅😅
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by sfrank47
@Emaleee NOOOOO💀💀