any good love/crush stories page 3
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by jazlyn05
@grod i live in america 😔✌️
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by hermione07
@hummusboi completely off topic... but what instrument do you play I play flute 🙂 i'm also a freshman 👉👈 😂
4 years, 5 months ago by hummusboi
@hermione07 i played flute for marching band and played clarinet for concert band (i played flute for a total of 6 years and clarinet for 2)
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by hermione07
@hummusboi I play flute too lol😄
4 years, 5 months ago by Lobster
so me and this one guy were talking when quarantine and everything stared and some stuff happened and we were planning on going on a cute little date but then some stuff happened and i couldnt see him, and then i got a knock at my front door and i almost didnt answer it bc i didnt see anyone but i go and its him and he had flowers and when i opened the door the first thing he said was “ oh my god youre even prettier in person”( and i had literally just gotten outta bed so i wasnt even looking cute lol) and then we went on a walk and it was the cutest most wholesome thing that has ever happened to me(:
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by grod
@Lobster OMG THATS SO CUTE!🥺🥺🥺💗
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by marvel21
Here’s mine: So, there’s this one guy that I’ve known since like second grade we hung out sometimes but it wasn’t til my sophomore year ( last year ) that our two friend groups ended up hanging out more. Anyway, one day I was at an event and I saw him there. I don’t know why but suddenly I was really nervous and my heart was racing. I went to say hi to him and it was kinda awkward at first (probably cause we didn’t expect to see each other there) but then it was ok. And it wasn’t til later in the year that I realized I had feelings for him. It was weird though cause I didn’t get nervous around him when we were at school or when I was hanging out with him and my friends. He’s a super fun, smart, cute, guy. The only thing is that I’m quite short (4’10.5”) and he’s 6’ so yea... 😅 Anyway for Valentine’s Day I was making cookies for everyone, but he’s athletic and was doing this whole no sugar thing. So I emailed him asking him if I could make cookies with a natural sugar so he could have them. He said yes but then when he replied he asked how my weekend was and I told him and we ended up having this whole email conversation about things we enjoy doing and stuff. The following week when Valentine’s Day came I gave him the cookies, but it was kind of rushed cause my friends and I were going to go to a restaurant after school so I had to make it quick cause we had to leave right after school ( we handed out Valentine’s stuff in our last period but he had to go to volleyball practice so I gave him his right as I was leaving) Anyway, the next day he sent me an email in the same thread that we were talking in FIVE days ago. I mean he didn’t delete the email chain FIVE days after I sent it. Do y’all think that that could mean something? I haven’t seen him in person in five months though 😢.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by marvel21
Wow I didn’t mean for it to be so long. 😅😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by CawTheCrow
I've been crushing on one of my best friends for a while (she has a boyfriend). Recently I wrote her a letter, and today I gave it to her. I was scared it would make things awkward between us, but she told me she already knew, and didn't reciprocate. I just wanted to get it off my chest, and be honest with her. Things weren't awkward at all, and we had a laugh about it all. I'll get over it soon I think. Platonic love is just as important as romantic.
4 years, 5 months ago by lilhula07
Ok so I had just broke up with my first boyfriend in 5th grade. I was really mad about it because he asked someone out while we were dating and I was venting to my friend and his little brother. The little brother (lets call him H) ask me "so you are single". I said yes. Later that day H and his older brother (lets call him S) set up snap accounts and added me. S ask me to come to the back room (it was in a bowling ally) and said that H had to tell me something. H told me he liked me and quickly ran away. S got him back so I could let him down easy. I basically said that I was sorry but I didn't like him like that. He was also in the 2nd grade and I was in the 5th. So we left the bowling ally separately and in the car S texts me saying that H is crying. I felt really bad and all I could say was I was sorry. So later that night S texts me saying that he was sorry he sprung that on me. I say its fine but then he tells me he loves me!!! I text my friend telling her everything that happened and she helped me come up with a text to help me tell him that I really didn't like him. Here is basically how the text went: Hey buddy I am really sorry but I don't like you. First off I am going through a breakup and I am not looking for anyone. Second off you are 3 years younger than me which may not seem like a lot but it would be a little weird if a 6th grader was dating a third grader. I am sure there is someone out there who is perfect for you but I am not it. I hope you understand. And plus you should use a word like Love unless you really mean it. Sorry. I felt really guilty the whole night. I went to bed and the next morning I wake up to two texts: one from H and one from S. S said that I shouldn't have rejected H and that I was a monster for doing so. And that I was a terrible person. H texted me again saying he loved me. I didn't feel comfortable with either of these texts so I screenshotted both messages and sent them to my friend. She didn't know what to say. I unfriended them both and never talked to them again. A few months later S and H both sent me a friend request and I declined and blocked them both. I never talked to them since.
4 years, 5 months ago by lilhula07
I know that wasn't about my crush and wow was that long 😲
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by BandGeek22
Mine is sad but here we go. Two years ago I met this guy in my social studies class I then found out he was in my English class as well so we got to know each other very well. I started to get feelings for him. A year later I was stupid and had it very bad and told him I liked him. I also thought for sure he felt the same. Well boy was I wrong ever since I told him things have never been the same. He doesn’t want to talk anymore. He says he wants to still be friends yet is avoids me or just doesn’t talk. I have put in so much effort over the past two years and nothing was working. A month ago I just stopped talking and texting him. I thought maybe if he hadn’t heard from me then he would be like hey everything ok or just want to talk I haven’t heard anything yet 😭 anyways it’s been hard bc I always talked to him but in the end I’ve been somewhat happier I got so mad at him or was just annoyed by him sometimes that I just was like forget this so yes it has been hard but also not do bad anyways that my story 😔
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by novaphina
In 8th grade, I had a crush that everyone in 7th/8th grades knew about (there were only like 60 kids). I still don't know if he ever liked me back but I have not been in contact with him in a year and a half or two. I still joke about it with my friends though 😂. At my high school there are very slim pickings given that there are only 70 kids per grade or so and we only have 9th to 11th grade right now. And most of the boys that I would consider likable are already in my friend group or I have known them since elementary. So yeah, right now I think I am OK being crush-less because I have a close group of great friends. Plus the whole pandemic thing makes it hard to start a strong romantic relationship in my opinion.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Bracefacer
I’m in 6th grade now but this happened in fourth grade and it was a so embarrassing for me because this happened at school and my grandmother used to teach there so every teacher loves me and knows my grandmother,it was also in the lunch room in front of everybody(I didn’t like the guy but he thought I did) So fourth grade lunch room,friend told most cocky guy in the world that I liked him,he asked me if I did and I said no so he chose to start flexing on top of the lunchroom table and yells hey Ella (my name) you sure you don’t like me.We are in the same class have been since fourth grade.Did I mention our brothers and mothers are best friends.His little brother also has football practice within walking distance of my home,His younger brother also used to like me so that was great.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by bablitsboo
I met a boy in July, exactly 2 years older, we started texting and flirting but we have only seen each other once. Since then we only text each other cause he lives 1 hour away. I don't know what to say 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by grod
@marvel21 Sam here 😂 i always get nervous around boys I like
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by grod
@lilhula07 hahaha 😂 that happened to me there was these boys at my church one was 15. (It think 🤔) and the other one was like 11 and one day at out vbs at church the older brother told me that his younger brother said I was HOT I felt so awkward and just walked away. This happened like 3 years ago and to this day I still see them but I’ve never talked to them again And also the younger brother told ,e he had some really hot girls in his class (i think he was trying to make me jealous) but I didn’t care I told him that I didn’t care and to shut up |
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by grod
@BandGeek22 aww that’s sad 😔
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by grod
@novaphina 😂 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by grod
@Bracefacer omg 😆 that’s embarrassing 😳 😂 😂