how to tell people no
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by jazlyn05
so when i finish a keychain or bracelet i’m really excited and happy. I usually go show my mom first and every time i show her, she asks me if she can have it. I feel bad saying no, but i think it’s kind of rude for her to ask me because it makes it seem like i don’t spend much time or effort on them. what do i dooooo
4 years, 5 months ago by Hoova123
When someone´s asking for free stuff, I basically apologize and tell them, why I can´t give them free stuff. It works for me. I hope it will work for u too.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by amazingme
Just don't show them. Personally, when I show other people my bracelets who don't know who to make them, I feel like they don't truly appreciate the craft.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Vsco_4Life
Thats very simple...
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by nev_m_07
I think you just need to be honest with her and tell her that you don’t really want to give them away. She might be a little hurt, but you’re going to be even more hurt in the long run if you don’t tell her the truth. And, you don’t want her to get into the habit of constantly asking you for stuff and you just giving it to her. It might be bracelets now, but in the future, who knows what it could, cars, anything. She thinks that you’re okay with giving away your work, and that’s probably why she keeps asking. If you don’t know what to tell her, then next time she asks, just say something like “I don’t know. I worked really hard on it and I don’t think I really want to give it away. Maybe I can make you one, though!” My mom asked me a few times if she could have some of my bracelets, and I was just honest with her about how I felt. Now, she doesn’t ask me that often, and when she does, it’s like to ask me to make her one like the one I made. Your situation seems complicated, but the solution to your problem is honesty.