Who has advice on how to convince your parents to get a dwarf rabbit?!
10 years ago by Coolkid7
I really want a rabbit but my parents keep saying no😭 Can anyone help?😄
Bracelet King
10 years ago by CWillard
Usually you should start off by showing you can be responsible (idk that's what they always say), and they also like it when you do research into things about the pet, such as life span, feeding, drinking, living, and activity habits, etc. This helps them to know that you are really interested. For my family that's what we did to get most of our pets. We also usually come up with a plan for getting the money to buy it and keep buying the things it needs, like food, as well as a chores schedule for taking care of it.
Bracelet King
10 years ago by Fliparz
I had a rabbit and that was just a deal to stop biting my nails. Bunnies poop A LOT!!!!!! This isn't an exaggeration.
10 years ago by Coolkid7
I've tried all that though🙁
Bracelet King
10 years ago by blackwolf2
Well ask them if they ever wanted something(doesn't matter what) but thier parents(your grand parents)wouldn't let them. Then they schools know how they felt and now it's most likely how you feel now.
10 years ago by Coolkid7
Ok I'll try that thanks!😄
Bracelet King
10 years ago by blackwolf2
No problem🙂
Bracelet King
10 years ago by Fliparz
You could try to not bring it up for 1 day and then tell your parents briefly about dwarf rabbits, but not too much. Just don't bring it up for a few hours. Don't bug them or keep telling them about bunnies because they'll get tired of hearing about it. Ask if you can do a trial run with someone else's bunny for a week and see how it goes. Maybe you'll get one of your own. Good luck! 🙂
10 years ago by Coolkid7
I'll try that thanks!😄
Bracelet King
10 years ago by Fliparz
Did you get one?
Bracelet King
10 years ago by blackwolf2
Yeah did it work?
10 years ago by Coolkid7
No sorry they were good ideas though🙂
10 years ago by Coolkid7
I'm thinking about asking for suger gliders😛
10 years ago by Coolkid7
I'm still trying CWillard's idea though😄
Bracelet King
10 years ago by Fliparz
Good luck! Post if you get the dwarf rabbit or sugar gliders. 🙂
10 years ago by Shegorules
You actually need a licence to have a sugarglider as a pet as it is considered an exotic pet. A bunny/rabbit however is a domesticated animal and does not usually require a licence. If you really want to prove to your parents that you are able to take care of a pet you have to prove to them that you will take care of it. Research the pet you wish to have. You will want to know how long the pet will live (owning a pet should be a life long commitment), their behaviors and body language, how to care for them, and what the best living condition for them is. Most of all don't shop.... ADOPT! 😄
10 years ago by Coolkid7
Yeah I know pets are a lot of responseabilaty but in my state you do not need a licence to own a sugar glider😛
10 years ago by Coolkid7
And I will totaly post something if I get any kind of pet
9 years, 12 months ago by Coolkid7
Today I wrote a note to my parents and I think it'll work!😉😘
Bracelet King
9 years, 12 months ago by Fliparz
Good luck!!! For a sugar glider or a dwarf rabbit?