Not bracelet related, but please take a look.
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by marvel21
As the title suggests this isn’t bracelet related, but it would really help me if y’all replied. : )
I have been asked to write something like an article (to be put on my school’s socials) for those who aren’t used to doing school from home. So, I would like to know what you are still getting used to, what you might be finding difficult, or anything that I might be able to give you tips on.
This would really help give me an idea as to what to write. Thanks a bunch!
❤️ @marvel21
4 years, 6 months ago by arf820
sure i’d be glad to help out! this is my first school year at home ever, so it’s really weird for me. i’m sitting in front of a screen for like 7 hours straight, not including homework/extracurriculars. i’m definitely not used to that. i’m also not used to the fact that i don’t have the social connections i used to with my friends at school anymore. this is my senior year in high school, and it’s highly unlikely that i’m going to the same college as my friends. even though i’ve been staying in touch with them through texting and video calling, and occasionally meeting them in person, it’s not the same. also for me, it’s hard to stay focused in class. i often get headaches from sitting in front of the screen, and it’s difficult for teachers who are used to teaching in person to engage their students. and don’t get me started on technological issues😂 like if you have bad internet, it is highly unlikely that you’ll be able to go to class since the platform would just kick you out of the video call. i must say though that there are some benefits to this online setting. first, i don’t have to get up at 6:00 every morning and drive to school. also, my cat likes to jump on my lap while i’m attending class, and that really helps me because my cat keeps me company when she does that. even so though, i think i would prefer going to school in person. my school district is all online, no schools in my district are open and in session. so yeah, i hope that helps! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by rubisaa11
My school is doing face to face learning, but good luck with your assignment!
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Shelly2121
Im still getting used to the fact that we dont actually see each other and its a lot harder and less interactive
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by weirdkiddo
I’m still struggling with not being able to see my friends and being left out of everything. Also I have to stare at my screen all day and it gives me headaches. Not cause if covid, but because of the screen. And choir virtually is a nightmare. I can’t sing with my class so I can’t tell if I’m blending well or if I’m hitting the notes right or all that kinda stuff. Also I just started taking French this year cause I’m a freshman and it’s definitely harder to learn a new language over zoom. I can’t tell if I’m pronouncing the words right and I don’t always hear my teacher very well because the sound glitches sometimes. It also kinda feels like I’m not really part of the school or the class because I can’t actually do anything with the school. I can’t join clubs, I can’t sing with my choir, my friends all have inside jokes and group chats without me because I’m not there, and it’s the worst. I honestly believe that the thing affecting students the most is the fact that we can’t see our friends and we don’t feel we’re part of the conversation. I have seen my boyfriend in person for a month unless it’s over FaceTime and I can’t see my friends unless it’s a weekend and even then I’m still left out because they talk about their inside jokes and classes that I’m not a part of.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Clairaland
I am struggling with everything! I am a visual learner (but my school does a hybrid method so I go in-person two days a week) so I cannot ask my important questions and see the answer as I get help.
4 years, 5 months ago by hedgehog54
Although I do go to school non virtually, it is tough having to identify what people look like wearing a mask 😷
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by 2006_Mandy
I’m on a Hybrid schedule which means 2 hours a morning for 2/3 morning a week the rest is online. I find that switching between is pretty weird but I don’t start till Monday I just feel it will be weird. I have to get use to staring at a laptop screen and dealing with other distractions while being at home. Doing work in an environment where I like to be happy and stress free is annoying because work brings me stress. I also have to put up with my family being around and leaving entering the house. Otherwise I also have to deal with the fact that my high school starts way earlier than elementary school did and so when my sisters are still asleep I’m logging on to a laptop some days and I have to be pitch quiet and the moment they are getting up the house gets loud. Anyways online learning is just different in general. Those are the issues I face but maybe others don’t. Good luck with writing your article!
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Carina_C
We went fully online for my high school and it just really sucks. We're to sit for hours on end in front of a screen and it's honestly very disengaging. It's very hard to concentrate on class when not in person since staring at a screen hurts the eyes. Wifi is also a huge issue. You can be ready to learn and good to go, but the computer turns around and says "not today dude". It messes with your attendance and I have fallen behind severely because of it. Student's like myself also don't get the chance to see others our age anymore. This is all very isolating and hard to adjust to.

On a more positive note, things aren't all that bad. due dates are more relaxed and late work is accepted in some classes. Teachers are also more open to communication through email which is great for us introverts! School starts at a later time which gives us more much needed sleep as well.

Pj's are also acceptable school attire through zoom. 😉
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by marvel21
@arf820 @Shelly2121 @weirdkiddo @Clairaland @2006_Mandy @Carina_C Thank you so much for all of your input! This is really going to help me figure out what to write! 😊😁
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by -avarxse-
It’s really tough to be remote. Especially when you have distractions around your house like I do lol. It’s much more boring and less engaging, since there’s no hands on learning. It’s also really stressful, staying organized with all the assignments we get. I also n
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by -avarxse-
Oops I accidentally press send tho I’m not done. I also never knew that one of my good friends is on my team (we’re separated into teams) until I messaged him yesterday, although I might have never known if I hadn’t asked, which is one of the sad truths of online school.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Shelly2121
@marvel21 glad i could help!
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Emaleee
getting a good schedule and not skipping my boring classes like economics ugggg I hate that class with everything in me its so boring, i'd rather watch a documentary on the library or something