My NEW Insta!!! (YES or NO?!?)
4 years, 6 months ago by Darbe
So, I've been thinking to create an Insta for myself for my bracelets and sometimes other stuff (mainly bracelet stuff).Would anyone be interested to follow me? Cuz, in my opinion, it would be kinda pointless if I'm the only person looking at my posts 🙂. If yes, then I would love some answers from you guys! Here are some of the questions 😜: 1. What can my username be? (I'm terrible at that 😢) 2. How many of you will be interested? (just say that u will be interested if u r) Lol those are the only questions i can come up with as of now 😐. I will post them here when I can come up with more! I'm looking forward for pretty many responses! (At least 20 until I can come up with a decision) |
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by 2006_Mandy
Yes I would for sure follow. I expanded my account at first by following lots of bracelet account and other businesses. 1. I would name it Darbes World Of Bracelets because it’s entertaining. 2. Follow me and look through my followers/following list to find lots of businesses. Anyways not everybody on here has Instagram so you may not get many responses. If you want a logo for it let me know.
4 years, 6 months ago by Darbe
@2006_Mandy Omgg Tysm! 😄 I love the username btw! "Darbe's World of Bracelets" Sure I will love to follow ur account! Tysm for the help. I really appreciate it 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by 2006_Mandy
glad you like it!