any tips for language learning?
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by plant-dad
i’ve been trying to learn german on and off for the past few years. i haven’t really gotten past the VERY basics of a few introduction words and getting the accent down. i don’t use duolingo, except for the occasional review. i find it to not be the best tool for actual learning but more of a refresher. i also have two german language books that i have a hard time sticking with. any tips for language learning in general are appreciated! |
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by DaniaAhmed
Perhaps try watching an English cartoon with German subtitles ( or a German cartoon with English subtitles ). Children cartoons help a lot with learning basic sentences. Hope this helps!
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Irisss
Try to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Read, watch, speak and write a lot in German. I know that can be difficult, especially in the beginning, but trust me it will help you to improve your skills. Reading and watching will help you memorize a lot of vocabulary, which is a very important aspect of language learning. Learning new words in general would be very helpful. Anyway, hope this helps. Good luck!
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Lulu_Ninja
I recommend using Duolingo (despite the jokes about death threats 😂) it has really helped me, and it makes learning the language fun, because there is a leader board which is like a competition, and there are other challenges for you personally, I am learning 3 languages on it right now (Chinese for school, Russian and Arabic for fun) and I find it really helpful, it helps with reading, writing, and speaking whatever language you are learning
4 years, 6 months ago by MozzaStix
Practice. Or you could sign up for a free online course like in EdX. I tried learning Spanish there’s it’s actually pretty good.
4 years, 6 months ago by MozzaStix
Duolingo is not very accurate for all languages.