Odd Request??? : ) Please check
4 years, 5 months ago by IzzyK
Hi guys, thanks for clicking this post. I really would appreciate some advice please, I have a bracelet account on instagram and I have been struggling to find a good way of taking pictures and getting followers. I would really appreciate if I could get feedback on my account? it would be so helpful and id be so grateful

thank you so much in advance my instagram is @ IsabelsArtStore. thanks so much I appreciate it.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by chkntaters
First I'd like to say that your instagram is super cute! But if you're looking for ways to grow I have a few ideas, I don't personally run a bracelet instagram account though so I'm not sure how effective this will be. You could add more colour to your finished bracelet photos, like taking them in front of a flower display or something like that to catch the eye. Also posting frequently might help, it doesn't always have to be finished bracelets. You could post some progress photos, you could post about the supplies you use, even posting your favourite patterns or some knotting videos! Those are just some things I like to see from bracelet accounts. Great job so far though! Hope this helps ❤️
4 years, 5 months ago by _laurennn_
I have a photography instagram account that I have also been working to grow. One way that I have found works is to add a lot of hashtags underneath your caption, or to follow other accounts similar to yours to gain ideas and friends!
4 years, 5 months ago by IzzyK
thank you so so so much!!! those are really helpful tips and I am going to incorporate them into my account, I really like the idea of posting progress pictures (sometimes I feel like nobody will like them) and also posting near something that will pop, do you think if I post the picture with the colors I used around them it would be nice? I definetly want to be more active and you saying that it doesn't have to be finished really makes me feel better. thank you SO much for your kind words and feedback ❤️
4 years, 5 months ago by IzzyK
thanks for your advice! I put hashtags but I feel like they don't work as well, I might need to look at different ones. and I think I should definetly follow more people I only haev like 68 haha thank you sooooo much!!!!