Colton Dixon Fans
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by TFK19
Okay so I admit I'm a little obsessed with Colton Dixon... But how many of his fans AREN'T totally obsessed?? Anyway, I was just wondering how many of his fans are on Bracelet Book... I've made a ton of Colton Dixon bracelet patterns and noticed a lot of people have added them to their todo list. So if you're a fan too (obsessed or not, everyone's welcome!) please comment below. I promise we'll probably become like best friends.. Lol. But yeah. Feel free to request other patterns either of like song lyrics or anything else he's done... And feel free to talk about anything about him in the comments!
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by gymnast123
Your not the only one. I love Colton Dixon he's awesome. I'm obsessed I saw him in concert 17 times lol he's my favorite he's an inspiration to America and haters you need to shush and love him he's...loving
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by TFK19
Oh my gosh you're SO lucky to have seen him so many times! I saw him last December with tobyMac on the hits deep tour... He was amazing! The best part was he did all of my favorite of his songs... Such a pretty voice! And he's pretty attractive himself too.. 🙂 lol
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by TFK19
So I just submitted a pattern that is Colton's signature... It looked so cool! I hope it gets accepted!
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by lovevball
I heard his song more of you on the radio last week and it was really
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by lovevball
Good. Srry pressed send too early..... I always do that lol
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by TFK19
Haha yeah I do that all the time... And yes I love that song! It's amazing! 🙂
10 years, 6 months ago by Ballet123
Love him I meant
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by lovevball
I got his new cd. I haven't had the chance to listen to it though 🙁. I was going to meet him at a concert but then while I was in line ( i was the second person, there was a huge group infront of me) security came and said he didnt have time to do a meet and greet🙁
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by TFK19
Oh that's awful I want to meet him SO bad... And I got anchor the day it released its AMAZING! I've listened to it like at least a hundred times already 🙂 haha
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by lovevball
The concert that I went to was before the cd was released so i got the cd early! I will listen to it today!!!!!
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by TFK19
Was it the early cd release party that you went to?? (In Tennessee) I really wanted To go but I live too far away...
Bracelet King
10 years ago by CuteCrafts
I like Colton Dixon! Is anyone going to his concert w/ Matt Redman?
Bracelet King
10 years ago by TFK19
Lol actually it's with Matt West.. But no, I wish I was. He's gonna be like 15 minutes from where I live. Mmmm I want to meet him soooooo bad... 😉
Bracelet King
9 years, 12 months ago by CuteCrafts
Oops! Lol Matt west/Redman, sound the same. I wish I was going, it's like 15 min from where I live too
Bracelet King
9 years, 12 months ago by lovevball
@TKF19 I was sooooo close to meeting colton Dixon after he performed. I was the second person in line to meet him but he had to fly to another concert right after 🙁((((
Bracelet King
9 years, 12 months ago by TFK19
Yea I get them confused too.. But yes I was so sad not to be going I mean he's gonna be soooo close to where I live and it's like totally disappointing. I mean I'm completely in love with him, he's amazing 🙂 how long have you been listening to his music??
Bracelet King
9 years, 11 months ago by lovevball
Idk. Ever since I heard more of you I loved his music. He coming really close to where I live soon too! I think in May with Matthew west but I'm not going ;( I want to see Britt Nicole or manafest (I LOOOOVE MANAFEST) soooo bad
Bracelet King
9 years, 11 months ago by TFK19
Yes that songs awesome! Def one of my favs.. But I still like Never Gone the best!! And yes, I love manafest and Brit Nicole too!! Brit is great live, and I'd love to see manafest!! 🙂 and TFK and RED too 🙂 in addition to colton Dixon again of course 😉
Bracelet King
9 years, 11 months ago by KnotCrazy
I just saw skillet live at Winter Jam, and they totes rocked the stage!!! I got a selfie with the lead singer of Veridia, a new christian rock band that is pretty cool!!