Doggo Help 🙁
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by alissaruth
Hi, I need help.

I woke up 20 minutes ago to my dog having trouble breathing and kinda whimpering. He then started liking alll his legs for God only knows how long. Im not trying to be dramatic but you know in movies when it times for the dogs to be put down they lay down with their head on the ground and like the look sad and when you say things their name and if they want a treat they wont lift it they just keep looking at you? welp, hes doing that Also, when hes not freaking out about the breathing, he's breathing super fast and shaking alot. 😢

i know know probably no one can help me but its worth a shot. we would take him to the vet but my parents dont have lots of money ya know? maybe if someones parent is a veterinarian??

alissa ruth
4 years, 6 months ago by meow-cat13
I am so sorry to here that. I really wish I could help. If you cant go to the veterinarian the only thing that I would do is pray and ask God to help your dog. I will be praying for your dog! 😊
4 years, 6 months ago by kennap
It's hard to say what it could be when I don't know much about your dog and can't see it in person, but because you've noticed that your dog has been licking its paws, I would recommend trying to touch its paws to see if it has any reaction like they may be in pain. It's also a big allergy season, so you may want to check for redness. Sometimes heavy breathing can be a sign that a dog is in pain, whether it be from injury, illness, or potentially even age-related complications, such as arthritis making it difficult to move.
If it persists, taking your dog to the vet would likely be the best option, but I understand that can be a burden financially sometimes. If it were to be something such as arthritis, which my Pyrenees developed a few years before she passed away, I can attest that the pain relieving medication is pretty affordable and easy to maintain, especially if you space it out by giving the dog medication as needed (every couple of days), so that may make it less of a deterrent to seek medical attention. There may also be over the counter options your parents could try giving the dog if they do some online research beforehand, but I'm not well versed in that. I'm by no means a vet, just a woman who grew up with many dogs. I hope things get better for you both soon! ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by KK4eva
So sorry to hear that, I will be praying for both you and your dog, hope things get better soon.
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by kerrs
I’m so sorry to hear this😭😭 I know this is a very tough time and i’m here if you need to message me and i can help you get through this i will definitely be praying for you and your dog❤️❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by DaniaAhmed
I know how it feels, but please don’t worry! I would suggest taking him to the vet and asking to pay for the treatment later ( some vets accept this ). You could open a “GoFundMe” page to help pay the bill and I would be happy to donate!
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by alissaruth
@kerrs @DaniaAhmed thank you guys :/ ❤️ we think he does probably have arthritis and we are trying to get him to the vet. we are saving up and my dad is going to work extra to help save up.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Elise64
I am so sorry for your dog. I know this was posted a week ago but I couldn’t imagine living without my dog. If he has arthritis then he’ll probably be fine but I’m only 11 and I don’t really know that much about it so I don’t know. I really hope he will be ok!