Middle school
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by apurva
I’m going to soon Pine Lake middle school ( WA, sammamish is anyone else going there too, if not middle school.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by apurva
Sorry for the bad grammar and typing
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by awesome563
I started middle school last year, the first week was really confusing but by week 2 & 3 your used to it and I honestly think it’s 100% better. Then again it’s probably gonna be much different this year so good luck!
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
For us, its preschool, gradeschool, then highschool, the ofc college
So K-12
4 years, 8 months ago by sophiez
I am going into 8th grade (last year of middle school where I live) and I’m actually rly excited! 6th grade for me was one of my fav years, I loved my teachers and my schedule. For me, nothing rly changed bc my school is k-8 (I started in 4th grade) other than seeing multiple teachers a day. You’ll do great!! Middle school isn’t as scary as you think 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AG13
I'm going into 7th grade! Not only that, but it's going to be a new school, so I won't get to see my friends 😭
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AwesomeGrl
@AG13 same! I'm also going to 7th and it's a whole new school, we moved recently. Especially with the current world situation, it's gonna be hard finding new friends
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AG13
@AwesomeGirl I know how you feel 🙁 It's going to be challenging finding a new friend group
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AG13
sry @AwesomeGrl
4 years, 8 months ago by ello_mate
I just finished middle school 😊😊😊

I got some real advice for surviving in a large public school if you guys want it 😂😂💀

good luck though, your gonna need it 😅😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Elise64
I’m going to middle school next year and we have different sides in 6th grade and if ur on a different side than ur friend you will not be able to see them until lunch so I hope that at least some friends will be on my side or better all of them! 😢😃
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by isabellarm
middle school is different for everyone but i found it pretty fun! honestly it’s kinda just a big mess bc it’s just a school of people peak puberty lmaooo but i liked it a lot
4 years, 8 months ago by mollycarr
i’m going into my last year of middle school (8th grade) thank god! but if you need ANY advice feel free to message me! i am very knowledgeable lol
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AwesomeGrl
@ello_mate pls give us the advice!
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AwesomeGrl
@AG13 yeah 😣. My friends think that I would easily find friends, but I'm not so sure...
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AwesomeGrl
@elise_64 oh is middle school 6th grade for you? For me it's 7th, and that's the grade I'm going to. So basically for me, it's only 2 years of middle school. idk if that's good or bad...
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AwesomeGrl
Sorry meant @Elise64
4 years, 8 months ago by ello_mate
Well... ok

This one is for large schools only - DON'T USE A ROLLING BACKPACK everyone will hate you in the hallways. If you go to a smaller school this probably won't be a problem but, unless you have a health condition that gives you a weak back or something like that, just suck it up and use a regular backpack dude.

Ok this one is fun - Make sure to make a lot of friends, especially in 6th grade because have friends in every class is one of the best things ever. You can work on projects together, do homework together, copy off of the other person, ask them when assignments are due if you forget, just it makes life a bit better, and makes the class a lot more fun.

Another thing is that you should be a really good student and always do your work on time and just overall be an angel, and then later in the year if you forgot to do an assignment, the teacher will most likely be more forgiving and mill believe you more if you say you just forgot it at home. It also make it easier to cheat when you have to because they won't look at you as much because they don't suspect you... I DEFINITELY never did this 😉😉

Also this one is another fun one - is that if you have a wiggly tooth or something, don't pull it out. Wait until a boring class and then you can get out of it and go to the bathroom. Another this is is that if you get hurt, make it look like it is a little bit worse than it actually is so that you can skip more PE classes. Don't do this overkill, but I wore my ankle brace for an extra 2 days than I had to, but after a while you get suspicious.

If you have to write a definition but "in your own words" just find good synonyms for some of the important words, and then switch some things around and then maybe leave out a thing or two if you have to.

Try not to procrastinate and go to sleep late. Not really because of all those reasons adults tell you to, but more because... it will get worse, so if it's really bad in 6th grade, by the time you get to 8th grade you will have died. Also, pick really chill friends that will give you homework. But they also have to be kinda smart so that the answers are correct, but have a lot of friends, not necessarily BEST friends, but make a lot of acquaintances.

Work real hard at the beginnings of group projects and then you can get everyone to do the things that you don't want to. For example. I HATE talking to teachers so I work hard doing everything else on the project so that I can tell a different group member to ask the teacher do something and they can't get mad because I'm carrying the team.

IF you have to cheat on a test, only do it when you have NO IDEA, and this doesn't really work for math, but try to learn as much as possible and then only cheat on the parts you REALLY need to, I did this by putting the study guide in my pencil case, all folded up only showing the parts I needed. Then I would just look in my pencil case for my eraser, I get the answers, get my eraser out and bam! Keeping cheating at a minimum lowers the risk of being caught.

Having something to do during boring classes is nice, having extra paper, or having a bracelet. However, these are really nice when they are hidden in plain sight if the teacher passes by. I kept my bracelets on my pencil case so that if the teacher was looking for anyone not paying attention, it looked as if I just had my pencil case out. Also, playing war with the people at your table during a boring class is really fun 😂

Remember that middle school is gonna be SO much fun, even if it doesn't seem like it, it definitely will because so many people do the DUMBEST things in middle school and everyday will be entertaining 😘😘😘

Lol I just told you guys how to cheat in like 5 different ways I just realized how bad of a student I am 😂😂😂 Honestly most of these can be used for any grade
I hope no teachers are gonna see this.... I just exposed all of my secrets. ❤️❤️✨✨
4 years, 8 months ago by ello_mate

Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by l_d_1_3
i’m going into 8th grade but here’s some tips
1. don’t be the person who lets people take advantage of them by letting everyone cheat off of you but don’t be the person who always cheats either. try to find somewhere in the middle.
2. do your work on time. i got a c once when i should have had a b or a just because i turned everything in late.
3. if you know people from elementary school that’s great but you should try to branch out and meet new people because it’s fun and a lot of elementary friendships don’t last very long
4. don’t date. it’s stupid and most “relationships” last like 2 days
5. pay attention to your schoolwork, but do fun things like sports or trying out for the school play