Times you got hurt for stupid reasons. page 3
4 years, 8 months ago by samanthaw
When I was like 8 I was standing on a patch of ice at my friends house and I slipped and fell. When I was going down I (stupidly) bit my lip and my teeth almost went completely through my lip and I had to get like 7 stitches and I still have the scar 6 years later
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by goldpug8
I sprained my wrist when I fell of a broken skateboard lol it was a few days ago it’s still sprained
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by mouse-rat
1. I did a cartwheel when I was in gymnastics, hit my ankle on the counter (my legs went too far back and not directly up..... I had a major problem with not getting my legs all the way up in cartwheels and i was trying to fix that problem) and then fell on my head (I actually sprained my ankle from that)
2. on my 4th birthday, I was running in my tap shoes, fell, and busted my lip
3. In 7th grade, I tried to catch a football and fractured my middle finger and as I was just standing there holding it, a soccer ball hit me on the head and I laughed
4. I slammed the car door while my leg was partially in the way and I screamed bc it hurt so bad and had a dent in my leg
5. I sprained my finger about a month ago bc I was cleaning my bathroom sink and I covered my finger with a Clorox wipe and stuck my finger in the sink drain and tried to turn my finger to scrub it....... the bottom part didn't turn but the rest of my finger did
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by mouse-rat
and when i was jumping on a trampoline at a friends house, it didnt have any netting and i accidentally got too close to the side so i fell backwards and I landed on my back where there was a metal stool underneath me and let me tell you...... that hurt way worse than breaking a bone..... I literally started screaming
4 years, 8 months ago by Dragon_Fly
This wasn’t me but my friend needed to tell the teacher something and she was outside so she went out to talk to her and as she was running for the door she ran into the glass window next to it
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by ShyAvocado
I was on a swing and didnt hold on to the swing chain so I flew out of the chair and landed headfirst into the ground. 😂
4 years, 8 months ago by air1014
Idk if this really counts but last year at a school fair, someone was selling tacos. My friend dared me to get one with ghost pepper sauce, and I did. After eating the ghost pepper hot sauce I threw up, and made a big scene. The worst part was my crush was watching. Anyways I had really bad stomach pains for a week after that so hooray
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
Oh wow this us getting popular.....

Didnt expect that
4 years, 8 months ago by emigre1
I tried squatting away a bug and I sprained my wrist
4 years, 8 months ago by ello_mate
I jumped and twisted my ankle

no one was a round me, I just jumped straight up in the air and landed funny and twisted my ankle at basketball practice

And then I continued playing for the rest of practice and my ankle hurt real bad after 😂😂