Times you got hurt for stupid reasons.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
I know its weird, but.......

It was last year, and i was going to the bathroom before i went to my bus. I was very used to the bathrooms there, so i knew where the crack and steps were. Someone must have left a pencil or spill water, because i stepped on it, i slipped, and fell right on my teeth. Since it obviously hurt, and i was in tears, i asked the girls there if it was bleeding, then i looked in the mirror and lo and behold, half of my tooth was gone! 😂 I ran like sonic to the clinic, talked to the dentist, and asked for a mask so that not too many people would have to see it...right now theres a special clay on it that acts like a weak version of my tooth.
4 years, 8 months ago by DiscoveryB
I tried to save a chipmunk and it bit me
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by KoolKat22
Once a did a flip on these rings my family has in the backyard and got dizzy and as I was walking over to my sister, my forehead hit a patio step as I fell and had to get stiches.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by awesome563
I killed my toe killing a dead cockroach.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by awesome563
We were at summer camp and I scraped my toe on the way to the bathroom and it was really bloody
4 years, 8 months ago by maddy_p
I was running into a line and I slipped and my toe hit a girls ankle, and I broke my toe 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by kid_u_knot
i wasnt paying attention at recess in middle school and I walked behind a girl swinging. Lets just say, I flew back 6 feet, my friends said I lipped mid air, and i could breathed without feeling like I was being stabbed for DAYS
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by kid_u_knot
flipped*, couldn't*
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by kerrs
in elementary school i jumped off the playground where the stairs were to get off of the playground and i hit my elbow on a pole and broke my funny bone😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by l_d_1_3
when i was like 6 i was playing on my friend's porch and i fell and either hit the chair or just the ground. to this day i literally have no clue, but it bleed (bled, blead, idk) a lot and i had to get glue and i still have a huge scar : )
4 years, 8 months ago by zyxwvut
I ran into a coffee table and had to get stitches in my cheek
I broke my toe by tripping over a charging cord
I ran into an electric fence that was on because i couldn't see it
I broke my foot when I tried to jump off a swing over a baby pool...

There's a lot more, I'm literally always wearing a brace or a cast 😭
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by saf102
I was eating those pocky candy stick things during lunch in 7th grade and I bit one weirdly and it cracked my tooth in half and started bleeding, so I left the cafeteria to go to the nurse just to find out we didn't have a school nurse (I don't know why) and then my dad had to come pick me up so I could go to the dentist and apparently I had a cavity and they had to pull the other half out which hurt real bad lol, but its safe to say that I never ate pocky after that
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
Oh wow, i got 14 notifications, and only one wasnt related to this 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by SheWolf430
My friend jumped on my back piggyback-style and another friend jumped on HER back and I fell, scraped my face, and looked like Frankenstein for a few months 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AwesomeGrl
One time I bit into a potato chip and cracked my tooth😅 (when I was in like 2nd grade. )
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AwesomeGrl
This isn't really related, but.... one time I was at this place with my class (sort of like a feild trip but we stayed there for a couple of days), and we were split into groups for the stay. Then we were going on a hike with our group, and our field teacher (someone who worked at the camp, her name was Aubrie) saw a lizard who was stuck. It was stuck between some stairs, and she tried to help it. Then it bit her, and then she yelped and flung it off into our group (not her intension). It landed on someone's shoulder/head 😂 then it jumped off.

Lol that was just a random story I had
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by CraftsyCat
I gots two stories!

One day on Christmas, I tried to jump and hang on a door gym, and I fell on my back and I wasn't really hurt, I was just winded. I was in the basement and all my family were upstairs, except for my brother, he was there with me. I tried to get help, but I could only cry out feebly. Only when I started wailing quietly in desparation did my brother speak up. My dad and my uncle came downstairs and my dad said I was just winded. 😂 😂 😂

One day I slipped and landed on a bookshelf and a chunk was taken out of my eyebrow and at the hospital, the numbing cream didn't work so I got really mad (just imagine a furious little first grader with a dent in her head running around screaming at the doctors because the numbing cream didn't work) 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by CraftsyCat
This is another story but I didn't get hurt, but this is funny...
One day, I was at my school cafeteria and I choked on whipped cream 🤔 😂 At my birthday party, I choked on my own spit telling the story of how I choked on whipped cream the SAME DAY I choked on whipped cream... 🤔 🤔 🤔 😂 😂 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
these are really awful and nothing this bad has ever happened to me but i was once at sleep away camp where there was a lake and tranpoljne and other stuff and basically what happened was that one day i was fine and the next i could barely walk on my foot. i never really knew why and i just assumed it was because i jumped into the lake and landed on my foot or i landed incorrectly on the trampoline and just didn’t realize but it was so hard for me to walk and there was still like 3 days left of sleep away camp with many axtivities that included running. it didn’t hurt that bad but it was hard to run so i kind of held back my team but in the end we still got into at least 3rd in most of the activities. the weird thing was that my ankle or foot wasn’t swollen. about a week later when camp was over and i was at hone my ankle actually became swollen and it looked awful. we didn’t do anywhere for like a week. but it was just swollen so it’s fine.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AG13
One time I cracked my tooth by eating a pretzel

I fell off my bike once and couldn't walk on my left foot for two days

I fell off a swing and had to wear a wrap around my foot for two weeks

I fell off my chair, and bruised my side in the middle of class