what is your bracelet making story?
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by Denisecvo
Hey guys! Just making random conversation here but what is your bracelet making story? Like who taught you how to make bracelets? When did you start making bracelets? How long have you been making bracelets? What was your first bracelet? And other questions like that. For me it was my neighbor who taught me but she was a beginner too. So when i went home i looked up how to make bracelets and found Beyondbracelets on youtube. My very first bracelet was a Chinese staircase, i still have it but i made it wayyyyy to long lol. Iv'e been making bracelets for almost a year and now i sell my bracelets on etsy! 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by Ki_Love_18
My sister got a bracelet kit for Christmas. She started making candy stripe bracelets, and I caught on quickly......a few years later I decided to start making bracelets again and looked up patterns on YouTube....my first bracelets (that wasn't candy stripe) was a heart one. So technically I've been tying since august or September of 2013...I find a lot of enjoyment in it
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by HeavenSent
back in 2012 I had a op and was not allowed out of bed,so I googled "Stuff to make with wool" and it told me I can make friendship bracelets.I googled patterns and found a candy stripe,I looked at the pattern and figured out what the arrows and strings meant by myself.So I had no help at all.
My first pattern that was not a candy was a alpha that said "FCKH8"
I have been making them even since and I make more when I cant get out.I have made over 1000 bracelets.
I sell my bracelets and all the money goes to cancer research,I post them and my other crafts on my instagram which is charliealexies
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by liztaps
When my best friend and I were 12, it was at her 12th birthday. And it was just me and her, she thought it'd be cool to make some bracelets a friend Taught HER! So she taught me and we went on for about 2 more years, just making Chinese staircases, and at one of our camps we go to each year; I saw a girl with a chevon bracelet and I thought it was so cool! And she said since I thought it was so cool I could have it. And so me and my bestie learned to make appropriate knots and we became really good. And I've always stuck with making them, and I'm 16 now😛 I still have the bracelet she gave me on my wall. Kinda like, a "you're awesome" type of thing! Haha and I've also gone on teaching other kids to make them, and Meredith (the girl who taught us) got married last year. She's awesome. Haha I know... It's long.
10 years, 10 months ago by Margaron
11 years ago my best friend taught me how to make a candy stripe bracelet. It took many attempts and a lot of fails before I finally figured it out. I had done it in Harry Potter colours so it was red, green, blue and yellow, and poorly made. Eventually I borrowed the book my friend had been using I got a little better but when I started doing like chevron bracelets one half of the bracelet would be right side up and the other upside down. Eventually I got my mom to buy me the same book, which I finally actually read the introduction part and everything clicked. I spent many years making just the patterns from that book until someone told me you could put letters in them. At that point I went online and found a site that had instructions and patterns for that and eventually searched more patterns and kept making them. Here I am 11 years later still making bracelets. I have taught many people over the years, sold bracelets for a while, still sell the odd one but no longer sell online. I guess that makes up my bracelet story. 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by Denisecvo
Loved your stories guys! Thanks for sharing!
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by ostrich
In 5th grade, at the end of the year we had this fun day thing where you could sign up for different activities. There were sports, crafts, and a few other things. Well I chose friendship bracelets. So at the thing, all of the kids were split into groups of three or four, and mine was actually taught by my teacher. They taught us how to make Chinese staircase and I still have mine! That weekend I went to Michaels to get some of my own string and the rest is history lol
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by ostrich
I forgot to add that I'm in 9th grade now and I'm still making bracelets 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by mmmoments
I've been making friendship bracelets since I was a teenager in the 90's. Waaaay before some of you were born! LOL! 😄 I'm self-taught. I think I picked up a "How-To" book from Wal-Mart one day and learned from that. Back then there weren't many pattern choices and I got bored with making diamonds, chevrons and candy stripes so I stopped for a little while. About six months ago I was going through my old crafty stuff, found my embroidery floss and wondered if there was an app for friendship bracelets... And here I am. I learned how to make Alpha patterns from Adik's tutorial. I love this app and the website!
Bracelet King
10 years, 8 months ago by aprow402
In 3rd grade I picked up a book at our library on friendship bracelets. The summer before, my grandma taught me embroidery, so I had some floss. I made some candy stripes, forgot about it, then found this app two years later. Now I sew, knit, crochet, weave, fold origami, bead, and still find time for macramé.
Bracelet King
10 years, 8 months ago by aprow402
I forgot French knitting, rainbow loom, and studying/practicing design.
Bracelet King
10 years, 8 months ago by puppydog
I had to make them for school and I really liked it so I searched up websites I found this one and loved it
10 years, 8 months ago by trumpe77e
I started when I was 11, and I was not good at it at all! I could only make the Chinese Staircase. I quickly lost interest (as most 11 year-olds do with any activity, really), but earlier this year (I'm 15 now) I got inspired by a friend who made bracelets (and quite well). I decided to go buy myself thread and learn how to actually make bracelets, which is how I found this site. The rest is history! 🙂
10 years, 8 months ago by vee_aldaz
My best friend started making candy stripe and Chinese stair case bracelets and she showed me how to make them and I've been making them for almost 6 years. I'm trying to sell my crafts to help with college and buy a new Nikon camera bc Im an amateur photographer 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 8 months ago by polkadotty
I've made bracelets a few times during elementary school, but in grade 5 my friends and I started selling our bracelets. The following year I was split up from them but I introduced another friend and we kept making bracelets. It just so happened though that last year while I was babysitting, one of the girls was on YouTube looking at how to make friendship bracelets which led me to another website and bracelet book! And now I sell my bracelets at farmers markets too!
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by maddieC
My dad taught me
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by wolf3
my sister used to make bracelets, then made one again and went through a bracelet-making phase, and i asked her to teach me how, but she never did, so i grabbed a friendship bracelet making book that we had and i learned from there. that was like, a year or two ago. i think. my first bracelet was a candy stripe, and i wore it all the time but i gave it to my cousin. lyra2245 sent me some pictures of some patterns and told me what site they were from and really wanted me to make an account, so i did.
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by lyra2245
Well, I learned how to make a Chinese staircase at camp. I made a ton then eventually, got bored. But one day at school my friend said she would be doing "bracelet classes" and I asked her if she could teach me and she said yes. She had some scrap string and she taught me how to make a bracelet. I quickly caught on and made no mistakes since I already knew how to make a Chinese staircase. The bracelet I made wasn't even a bracelet, it was smaller than my pinky. I gave it to a teacher and went and bought some string after that. Then I made candy stripes for awhile, then wolf3 told me about chevrons and I started making those. I stopped for a few months. Then, when I was messing around I found the app in the app store and i learned how to make alphas and waaaaaaay better bracelets. Very long, but true.🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by SydBeatle
I needed something to do with one of my friends when she came over when i was like, in 3rd grade. My mom suggested friendship bracelets, so we went to the store and got some really cheap string. After she taught me how to do them and I made my first one (Chinese Staircase), I was hooked (I still am, obviously). I made so many I started selling them to my close family and friends 🙂
10 years, 7 months ago by Bird
Oh gosh... I went to camp quite a long time ago with my older sister. I think she went somewhere and I was pretty much on my own. There was free craft day thing going on, so I thought I would check it out. I've been working with crafts/art stuff since I could remember -- my parents would make bird houses and other things for craft fairs and my sisters and I would get to help out with painting or sanding. Anyway, the older girl there had a bunch of string and showed me how to make a candy stripe (I liked pink at the time and now I tell myself that it was a silly color to pick since I love other colors now). She asked me if I was going to remember how to make it and I told her sure. Pssh, I didn't remember naddah!
I took the ridiculous amount of string she gave me and took it home and put it somewhere. Every now and then I would find this string again and attempt to remember what the girl said. I didn't even think to check online for anything either.
A little over a year ago, I found this string again and finally went to look online and start making these suckers (I had a friend who made me one for my birthday a while back also, but never asked her how to make them). I ended up messing up, having to undo it all, and finding a different video (that was much more helpful) and ended up with two pink candy striped bracelets.
Ever since then, I've been hooked! ^---^;