How Many Hours A Day Do You Spend Making Bracalets???
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by KK4eva
Yeah so just wondering, on average how many hours a day do you all spend making bracelets??? Me, I'd say about 3 to 4 hours
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by Carina_C
I spend around 2-3 hours on a normal day, but if I have an interesting and fun pattern, I'll spend 3-4 on it.
4 years, 9 months ago by arf820
i spend about an hour at a time making bracelets but i usually knot a couple times a day. so i’d say i knot 2 or 3 hours a day!
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by ShivaniS
If it's an alpha, 6-8 hours a day ('til I get it done), and if it's a normal pattern, 2-4 hours or until I get it done (for normal it depends on the thickness of the bracelet).
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by andioopeth
i spend anywhere from 2-6 hours per day? i guess? i don’t really time myself, i just knot whenever i’m inspired and usually watch netflix😂
4 years, 9 months ago by madeleine_
For me it kinda varies, but it’s usually around 4-6 hours per day
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by aa7648
O gosh y’all spend a lot of time 😂 (not that that’s a bad thing or anything)I’d say about an hour or 2 sometimes more |
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by RyGyV
I think i will normally spent at least 3-4 hours every day if i can.Unless it is an alpha then it would be a lot less because i am not good at them so it takes me for ever! But i am trying to spent more time every day to make them so yeah. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by CoolKnot
I’ve never timed myself I tend to lose track of time... but I like to get a bracelet done in a day... so I would say 2-5 hours maybe...?
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Books4Ever
3-4 hours because I have nothing to do, when I can leave my house I will only be able to knot for 30 minutes a day
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Clairaland
On average about 6
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by unicorns14
I spend one to two hours every day, or until my fingers literally get peeled from pulling the strings XD
4 years, 8 months ago by jdelauter
depends i do anywhere from a couple of minutes to hours on end
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by beep33
1 1/2 to 3
4 years, 8 months ago by little_bea
I will usually spend about 1 or 2 hours each day on a bracelet, but if I really like the pattern, maybe 2 to 3. I really have nothing better to do since we are in quarantine 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by KoolKat22
1 to 2 hours in quarantine.
4 years, 8 months ago by my_bcc
I just realized that the amount of time I spend making bracelets isn’t normal... 😂 I could spend up to 10 hours a day knotting😬
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
3 hours, but if i want to, then 4-5
4 years, 8 months ago by BBaker907
I spend about 6-8 hours on a good day. but usually I start at around 8pm and then knot until i cant stay awake anymore so until about 1 am 🙂