share something your proud of 🙂 page 3
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by june412406
i’ve been clean for months and i’m getting “better” i’m really proud of how far i’ve come and how much my mindset and mental health has changed in the last year
4 years, 8 months ago by Slytherin3
@AwesomeGirl To find the riddle I just searched up Einstein's riddle TED-ed on YouTube and tried to figure it out.
4 years, 8 months ago by AO215282
I'm proud of my small business where sell bracelets and my bracelets
4 years, 8 months ago by jordynkate
I’m also a Christian and I m proud of starting my first alpha
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by 14sydney14
I’m proud of many things! First, I am a black belt in taekwondo. It is a type of marshal art. Second is my bracelets haha. Third is I am a pretty good violin player. I have been playing for over 3 years. Fourth is I’m a pretty good cook haha. Last is I am a student pilot at only 14! (Not trying to brag, just sharing what I’m proud of) thanks for listening!!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by heal01
I am proud of trying and succeeding to stay different, even though everyone around me is trying to 'go with the flow'.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by heal01
Also for the fact that I can play sports well, even though I have asthma.