Your opinions on harry potter page 3
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AG13
Draco should have ended up with Hermione!!! 😤Lupin and Tonks was the CUTEST COUPLE EVER 😍 Cedric shouldn't have died 🙁 Hufflepuff and Slytherin are completely misunderstood Gryffindor is by far the worst house Ron was a really bad friend towards Harry and Hermione |
4 years, 8 months ago by ShishiKiwi
Okay, I know probably everyone is gonna hate me for saying this but....I think it's a bit overrated? So I watched like the first 4 movies some years ago and it was fine. I mean I understand why everyone likes it and I really do think it's a good story, but I think there are equally good and even better franchises out there. Again pls don't kill me 😢 🙈
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
idk if anyone had read the harry potter and the cursed child screenplay or not but i have and it’s literally the worst book ever. it makes no sense there’s no interesting plot in it and it’s just a big canon. the harry potter books were good bc they had a good plot to them and one that continued on to make 7 amazing books but the cursed child is just gross and makes all that harry potter stuff just like contradict itself if that makes any sense because the plot isn’t interesting and it’s only like 100-200 pages of nonsense
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
draco is literally bae. not only is he hot af but he’s literally one of the best characters. i might only be saying this bc i like tom felton( the guy who plays him in the movies) and bc i kinda like the bad guys in movies and books usually but he is literally one of the best characters and he was treated so poorly by harry and the trio only bc he was mean to them in the beginning. i mena harry and draco could’ve been good friends if harry had shook his hand in the beginning of the first book/movie. i feel that draco was only the way he is bc of his family and father. not only was his whole family supportive of voldemort but they all were quite mean and rude to the child and to each other. bc of this draco was influenced and had no other choice but to take out his anger onto the people around him. idk what else to say but the point i was trying to make was that draco deserves more love and attention
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
another point that needs to be made is that snape is not a bad guy. yes he did all those bad things in the beginning but he only did that to hide his true love for lily and the fact that he was trying to protect her son. i truly feel so bad for snape. not only was he bullied when he was a student in hogwarts but one of the kids who bullied him married the love of his life. also some man had killed the love of his life. he was upset and that was probably one of the ways he would cope with his sadness. yes he did kill dumbledore but if you had watched the whole movie or read the whole book then you would have known that it was all part of his plan with dumblledore. when i first read the book i was happy that snape had died but then when i saw all of the memories it was literally the reason the book had made me cry. not only did he do all the things he did to protect the child of the love of his life but all of the stuff had led to him caring about harry only because of lily. this had shocked me but it had made my heart melt. i am also really bad at explaining stuff so sorry if none of this makes sense i just wanted to write it down and this is the perfect place to do it. snape also had to fight alongside the bad guys when he was truly against them and he did a good job at pretended like he was one of the bad guys it really shocked me. idk what else to right but i think you will get my point- snape was never bad.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
@ajmacleay actually i have to strongly disagree with you on that one because if you had read all of the books or watched the movies then you would know that that neville not only built up courage and strength throughout the story but he also got better at his magic and he was only ever bad in the beginning because he had gotten his wand from his dad and so that made magic difficult for him because the wand is supposed to choose the wizard ( idk if i got him mixed up with ron or not but i think it was neville who had the pass me down wand) also ron had a lot of courage shown throughout the movie and his whole family was part of the gryffindoor house so it was like legacy. now hermione could’ve also been in ravenclaw but like ron she was courageous in many moments in the book and used her good knowlegde of magic to fight for what was right and other things that are hard to explain
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
@amazingme literally couldn’t agree more
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
i write in this thing too much lol
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
@jessicat1 but he bullied all his students, like you know its bad when your students worst fear is you. He gave Voldemort the prophecy, and that ened up murdering both parents, and even then, he only cared that lily would live, not james (obvi), not harry. Also he came up with sectumsempra, and if you think about, he probably made that spell to use it on james. But i do get what your saying that he was bullied, james married lily, and probs hated harry cuz he looked exactly like james. So all in all, hes like draco. Hes not innocent, but for good or somewhat decent reasons, but still, you shouldnt bias your own house, and you shouldnt take out you anger or loss on students.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
Also, tonks is proof that not all slytherins are bad, since shes a slythrin too, and we all love her, thank you for pointing it out @amazingme
4 years, 8 months ago by meggiexxx
Is it just me who got really annoyed in the goblet of fire when they didn’t include the actual quidditch World Cup match?
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Carina_C
Harry Potter is a nice series. I was into the books, but hey, they can only offer so much for me after a while.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by amazingme
@Shelly2121Tonks is a hufflepuff actually |
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Andyish
I’m a gryffindor, so this might come off as a little bias..Although I am a gryffindor, I do believe that the books are mainly focused on gryffindor and not any other houses, in my opinion it would be nice to have a point of view from the other houses and professors.In the books, slithering does not come off as a good house to be in or just in general, but we didn’t really know much about them and what went on in their house. So we have to assume that they were bad because that’s what the main characters thought of them. But yes, different point of views would be nice. 🙂 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Andyish
@ShishiKiwi I think the books are way better then the movie 😉
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
@amazingme andromeda tho
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by amazingme
Ohhh 😂 that makes much more sense!! Sorry