Your opinions on harry potter page 2
4 years, 9 months ago by madeleine_
@_Bunny_ Dumbledore kept sending Harry back because Harry was protected from Voldemort in that house because of Petunia. I don’t think the book goes into the specifics of how it works, but it’s the same kind of thing as the protection Harry got from Lily sacrificing herself. But Dumbledore definitely could have done more to help Harry, and Dumbledore isn’t nearly as good of a person as a lot of people think he is
4 years, 9 months ago by Dragon_Fly
It might have been mentioned but Hermione in the movie was supposed to have a glow up but Emma Watson was already really pretty
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by Shelly2121
Not related, but im actually playing pokemon x on my 3ds...! 😂
I did not understand that i had to do something called “level up” and always got stuck at the second gym when i first got my 3ds when i turned 8.
But so far things are going great
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by amazingme
Ron was a jerk who loved sitting on the sidelines and ruining relationships.

Viktor Krum was very sweet and honestly should've ended up with Hermione.

Harry was very emotionless and bland when it came to Cho, he couldn't be bothered with being considerate of her emotions.

Andromeda Tonks was a character we needed to see more of. She was one of the Black sisters and was also a slytherin.

Ravenclaws seem a bit stuck up about their intelligence and don't really accept other forms of creativity, they didn't see how clever Luna was or how Have is is smart in his own Hagrid-y way
4 years, 8 months ago by js_creates
Dont come for me but i never really paid any attention or liked Harry Potter. I was always found them over hyped and am really not drawn to things of that nature.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by l_d_1_3
stop hating on ron!!!!!! he actually did a lot and i do not want to hear otherwise!!!!!! as for some of my opinions,
1. dumbledore isn't that great he raised harry like a lamb to the slaughter and while i agree that snape wasn't all good, dumbledore manipulated him so much. i know he's a very complex character, but i still don't like him as much as some peopl do.
2. wtf is the house system??? it's cool in the books but i feel like in real life it would cause even more bullying and it could be really damaging for an 11 year old to think they aren't smart enough or brave enough or nice enough or ambitious enough because of their house. especially if you're in slytherin because everyone hates them for no reason. i'm pretty sure dumbledore said something about this but they also sort wayyy too early.
3. idk if this is unpopular but the half-blood prince is the best book. i love all the stuff with draco and snape and even though i said i don't love dumbledore i like the role he plays and i find him very interesting.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by l_d_1_3
@Shelly2121 nonononononono harry's life would not be better without ron. if ron wasn't in the picture we wouldn't have had the twins, ginny or MOLLY and those are some of the best characters. molly, arthur, and the rest of the weasleys were some of the first people who actually treated harry like family. ron was a good friend to him, even though they fought sometimes. but he was funny and i think the golden trio couldn't have done everything without him. i could literally write an entire essay about the weasleys but everyone in this forum needs to stop hating on ron >: (
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
idk if someone has said this yet but ron literally was useless idk what his purpose was, i guess because a golden duo wouldn’t be as good as a golden trio but like actually he could’ve died in like the fifth book and the rest of the book wouldn’t have been any different
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by AwesomeGrl
The books are WAY more detailed then the movies! I honestly hate the movies. The books have so much more detail and of you read the book then watch the movie you can clearly see that they missed so many details. Like for example in the first book, Harry was going to have a duel with Malfoy, but then he realized it was a prank, and that's how him, Hermione, and Ron ended up running away from Filch and finding themselves in the 3rd corridor. In the movie, it was something else. Also, where's the part where Dudley and HIS FRIEND go to the zoo, but reluctantly take Harry with them? And where's the part where Harry gets his own room in the first book?!?

No offense to anyone who likes the movie's

Also sorry if I said something wrong, I haven't read the books for a while, we moved and the books are in the shipping container 😐
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
@jessicat1 but who would save harry at the lake in book 7?
Ron could jave been very likable if he wasnt so mean and rude in book 4 and 7. In book 4, ron should have already knwn that harry never liked being famou
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
@I_d_1_3 Im just saying ron could have been a better friend to harry
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
Also im reading belgariad and its frikin amazing i highly recommend it, it has 10 books. The first five are the original, the belgariad, and the next five are a sequel, the Malloreon
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
@Shelly2121 the reason i don’t like him isn’t because he was rude but because he simply was useless. yes there are occasions where he helped but honestly that could’ve been anyone it just happened to be ron. like hermione is the smart one and harry potter is the main character with all the problems so like what’s ron. he’s not smart, he’s bad at magic, he did a few useful things but like i said before it didn’t have to be ron who would have done it, it could’ve hermione or some other random person.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by l_d_1_3
@Shelly2121 yeah, he was very unlikable in book 4 but in 7 it was because of the locket thing. After they destroyed that he was much better and did more stuff.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
@jessicat1 what about the chamber of secrets in book 7? Ron was the only one aside from harry who could have opened it
Nobody else could have saved him, all his friends were being watched, and aside from hermione, he was the only one who knew where they were staying
Besides, in general, ron taught him a couple things, and in book 2, he still stuck by Harry’s side, despite knowing that generally, not all, that being a parselmouth was a sign of a dark wizard
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
Oh wow this is getting a bit popular
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Shelly2121
@jessicat1 also, he helped in book 1 with the chess game
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by jessicat1
@Shelly2121 that is correct but what i’m trying to say is that if he were to die in around the fifth book maybe than the end would play out the same. yes there are places where he did something to save the day but it was only a few times and like i said before it could’ve been someone else or maybe without ron it wouldn’t have even happened in the first place. i personally believe that ron was just someone who was holding the two of them back and they would have survived without him. i do see what you are trying to say tho, but i disagree.
4 years, 8 months ago by Slytherin3
Dumbledore is a horrible person who would leave a child in an abusive household, Slytherin's aren't evil and have the best common room, and Draco would have been a better person if he hadn't had so many bad influences in his life. Oh, also, Wolfstar is the best ship.