hello my fellow cat owners!
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by plant-dad
ah yes, cat hair. every bracelet maker’s worst enemy. reply if you can relate to the problems cats cause. (we still love them though)
4 years, 9 months ago by 1026263590
imagine a cat-like Garfield
4 years, 9 months ago by arf820
i have two cats! so i totally relate... cat hair always gets into my bracelets and one of my cats loooves to attack my strings. of course i still love them though!
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by SC00PSAH0Y
I love my many cats! Cat hairs EVERYWHERE but that’s what you sign up for expecially when you have a lot! I dont sell my bracelets ao i dont really mind it. I only get the cat hair out of the bracelets if its for someone who cares 😅
4 years, 9 months ago by Ladybugtlc
Hi. I have a cat named Sneakers. He's a long haired Sealpoint Siamese. He has 4 white paws so it looks like he's wearing white sneakers. Hence the name. I got him for my son when he was 8. My son grew up, (he's 27 now), joined the Marine Corps right out of high school, so Sneakers has been with me his whole life. In good times and bad, that cat has never left my side. He'll be 19 in July. He's spoiled rotten and very loved. He's developed arthritis and his kidneys are in the beginnings of geriatric failure. His hair is in every single bracelet I make. As with some of you, I don't sell my bracelets, so only people who will see it is maybe a friend or 2 I make a bracelet for. It's annoying at times, but it is what it is. He gets mad if I'm at it to long. If I get frustrated with a bracelet he just let's out a meow as if to say "take a break!". I'll miss him (and his hair) when he leaves for the rainbow bridge, but I know he'll be there waiting for me. Or vice versa... |
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by plant-dad
@Ladybugtlc that is so sweet! i have a siamese as well! i’m so happy that you love Sneakers that much! it was really heartwarming to read that. i really should appreciate what all my cats have done for me throughout the years. they have helped keep me happy! i hope Sneakers lives for a long time! he seems like a good cat
4 years, 9 months ago by anammv
i have a cat, his name is simba and he loves attacking my thread! he’s an attention seeker, when I’m knotting for a long time he will always bite my tights because he want me to pet him. I had him for 9 years and I love him
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by CraftsyCat
I have a cat named Simba she is a very fluffy brown tabby shorthair with black stripes with a white chest, white paws, and white underbelly and a raccoon type tail. She is very old so hair gets everywhere... I also have a kitten named Bella. She is a lighter brown tabby with darker stripes. She has a white muzzle, paws, and underbelly. We also have her sister named Olive. Olive is a bit darker than Bella, and looks almost the same except for her muzzle, which is orange, and she has a fluffy neck, making it look like a lion's mane. (they are all really fat) 😂 ❤️ |
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by CraftsyCat
@annammv Hey! I have a cat named Simba too! Her sister was named Nala, but we lost her 😭
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by CraftsyCat
@anammv look up ^
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by adamorgan
I have two amazing Mainecoon mixes, Ollie and Skadi. They are huge attention seekers and are very high maintenance, but we love them both so much. Ollie is going to be 12 in July and Skadi is going to be 19 in July as well. I do get a ton of cat hair in my bracelets so the feeling is mutual ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by poppit
So relatable! We have 2 black cats and they’re very cute, but one of them likes to sit on my bed when I’m braceleting and my bracelets often get cat hair in them.
4 years, 9 months ago by anammv
CraftsyCat omg that so cute!! im sorry for your loss. Mine has fur like a cat in your profile picture (:
4 years, 9 months ago by jellie21
my cats called stinker (no joke!) he's ginger and a very old boy, his fur gets EVERYWHERE, i have a dog as well, so that dosnt help 😂
4 years, 9 months ago by KenzieKnot
I have two cats!! that means twice the trouble! It’s difficult, but i work with a book light on my bracelet station so the light points out the cat hair and little fuzzies before i knot them for ever into my bracelet! it really really helps!
4 years, 9 months ago by hummusboi
i have a cat (his name is drogo) and he is the sweetest dude alive. he's a russian blue and his eyes are a green color (and he has black bean toes which is adorable) he likes to try and eat my string though when i make bracelets so that's kinda aggravating 😂. other than that he is a good boy! 10/10