snapchat groupchat?
4 years, 10 months ago by KenzieKnot
hey! so i see everyone is arranging a pen pal system. a few days ago, i had this idea of creating a snapchat groupchat, but i thought maybe it wouldn’t be appropriate so i never threw the idea out there. today i saw that people were making arrangements to have pen pals! so it gives me the impression that this may actually be appropriate!

If you’re interested, or have questions, i would be very happy to answer them! i would of course do everything in my power to make sure it is safe for all that participate.
i was thinking we would:
- talk about our current projects
- share tips and tricks
- show off our collection of bracelets
- share our collections of thread
- become bracelet buds!
- spread positivity!
the ultimate goal of this group chat is to make very close friends, who could Snapchat like how you would your usual friends, as well as make this bracelet community more welcoming than it already is!

there are some rules though:
- you must be 16+ (I know this limits most of you, but it’s harder to be an older person on this app and make age appropriate friends)
- no bullying! If you do bully someone you will be kicked out. I do not tolerate bullying. You will not have a chance to explain yourself, you will be gone and reported.
- no innapropriate pictures. Again, you will be banned. I do not tolerate that. You will not have a chance to explain yourself, you will be gone and reported.
- if anyone would like to participate, you must follow all the rules. Before you can be accepted I will make sure that you fit the age restrictions.
4 years, 10 months ago by knottahti
that sounds fun!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by talamer
i'm 13:/
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by rkade
I’m 15 can I count?
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by rkade
Umm actually I need your permission. Can I do this idea with making a forum topic but have all ages?
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by sillpickle
hi i would love to join!