Advice Wanted: Selling Bracelets
4 years, 10 months ago by tess_segal
I started selling friendship bracelets toward the end of freshman year of high school-- only pattern #1 and those spiraly ones (some people call them Chinese Staircases? Stepladders?)-- and I did make some money, which I was super proud of. But advertise on social media and getting requests by word of mouth was pretty slow, plus, I'm getting a lot better with other types of patterns-- I want to sell more widely.

If anyone's experienced in selling friendship bracelets on Etsy, Depop, or some other site, how has that worked for you? What's your favorite platform, and do you have any tips/tricks?

Thanks so much!
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by erintolsma
So I just opened up my Etsy in March and have gotten 25 sales, so I’d say it works pretty well. It helps to open your shop with as many listings as possible and use popular tags so you can be discovered quickly. Getting shoutouts from popular bracelet makers can be a huge help, as well as having friends and family pass out business cards
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by Shelly2121
Maybe sell to the whole batch? I started selling rainbow loom last 3 months, and i was able to buy another kit with the money i got. Try wearing your bracelets, and expand. Give people different options, like thin, rainbow, gradient, thick, etc. I didnt use social media at all. Dont be afraid either to give suggestions, for colors. It helps to know what colors go together so that its more appealing. Color arrangement in the bracelet is important too so that the whole look of the bracelet feels organized and well thought out. If you only wanna do number one, then try making it thinner and thicker, and try adding variations, like 6 red and 2 yellow. Dont be afraid to advertise outside of class. Ask your friends to help you because they will kow more people, so you can sell more, then more profit. Also, save half the money you make for supplies, more or less. This is all from personal experience.
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by Shelly2121
Also, this is a mistake i made, is not pricing it right. Dont make it too cheap or expensive, and dont use one price for everything else.