fb and bf patterns
4 years, 9 months ago by kayleeflem
I've heard some people complain about patterns that only consist of fb and bf knots (I think they're called 1, 2 patterns but I wasn't sure) before and I guess i'm just curious on why they get so much hate? I quite like them but some people really hate them. If you're someone who really hates them could you explain why 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by Someone_
I have mixed feelings towards them, to be honest. I like them to look at, and completed 1-2-1-2 bracelets are beautiful, even more so if they've been done consistently. I however, struggle majorly with them (they're my enemy!)
I always try them every now and again because it'd be nice to tell myself that I finally did it, but every time I try I fail, and I give up for a couple of months before coming back to them. I actually tried not long ago to do a penguin 1-2-1-2 pattern and it looked absolutely horrid to say the least😂, so I'll stay away from them for a long while.
They require a lot of patience (which I don't have at all😂) and practice, because BF and FB knots in general take time to master, let alone a pattern that consists entirely of them.The patterns themselves are also tricky to remember; most people like to be able to memorize the pattern so they don't have to look back at the screen/sheet of paper, with these kind of patterns it's harder to do that.
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by KikiLilou
I don't really hate them I just think they're annoying. I like to finish bracelets as fast as possible (which is really slow compared to others), so I prefer bracelet I can segment knot. And I can't with the 1-2-1-2 patterns.
I also like watching films/series while making bracelets , so I tend to memorize the pattern so I don't have to have a second device on my desk for the pattern. (i sadly don't have a working printer atm...)
I just can't seem to get the motivation to start one😂
But I really like the design of some.