spill the love life drama page 2
Bracelet King
1 month ago by escobpen00
I got two friends, one I’m sometimes attracted to and we cuddle a lot and it’s overall going pretty aight, and I have another friend who I’m super jealous of her boyfriend and I’m low-key falling in love with her but in a way that’s like a strong desire to know her soul, not butterflies and blushing kind of thing. So idk.
1 month ago by sillycow04
@escobpen00 hmm idk tell them how you feel? Also butterflies and blushing signifies a crush NOT that your falling inlove with her 😭 when I fell inlove with my ex I literally wanted to know his soul and just be so deeply connected and I was for a long time
1 month ago by Momotaro
@escobpen00 Well the worst they can say is no? A few years ago I was seriously in love with this guy, like thought about him 24/7 etc; but I never said anything and it turned out he felt the same but we only found out about our feelings for each other like 2 years later after we lost our feelings and it's always been one of my biggest regrets, so just shoot your shot and you'll have no regrets ok? |
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 1 day ago by tkd2010
so at the end of last school year i found out one of my friends had a crush on me. but i wasn’t sure how i felt abt him. i rlly liked him as a friend but i didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. well a few weeks into summer we started snapping and texting literally all day long. we would talk from when we woke up until like 4-5 in the morning (i would wake up at 7:30 to workout so i was sleep deprived for him lmao) fast forward to early august when school started. he would sometimes come up to talk to me but not very often. so it made things super awkward (last school year we would talk everyday and it was so smooth and just nice). so i texted him and said i think it would be best if we stopped talking (as in like “talking stage”) but that i still wanted to be friends. he was super nice and told me he understood. things just continued to get more awkward. fast forward again to december- i missed school for a few days to go visit my brother at college. and he had texted me and asked why i didn’t go to school. and then we started talking again for the whole month of december and a few days in january. then he just stopped texting me out of nowhere. i wasn’t sure pretty upset but i was okay. then on the 15th (my birthday) he texted me happy birthday and asked my plans for that day and we talked for about 3 days and then he stopped talking to me again and we haven’t talked since. it’s just so hard bc we keep going back to each other and know literally everything abt each other. i genuinely love him and i think he loves me too. we just are never in the right place mentally to let anything happened. i just miss him
Bracelet King
3 weeks ago by Cirivere
@tkd2010 this may sound weird but like- if you like him why not have an up front conversation about your feelings? do you want to stay friends only or do you want to date him? Either way it sounds like you should have a conversation straight up about it. Leaving things unsaid will only cause him to lose interest because from an outsiders point of view it reads like you both are wishy washy about what you want but afraid to make a decision. Eventually, someone will lose interest.I came here with like my own drama being that my boyfriend and I agreed no presents for valentines but the fucker ordered me a lego puzzle printed with a pic of last years holiday together. Since we live together it arrived by mail and the fucker told me it was an outdoor power socket for the backyard and I totally believed him. 😭 I am too gullible... |
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 6 days ago by tkd2010
@Cirivere we need to. things are just so awkward now idk if i could bring myself to initiate that conversation bc i have a hard time explaining my feelings (not to be sappy but it’s true 😭). he’s more bold so maybe if we start talking again i’ll bring it up. it’s just so much back and forth and it makes me so upset. thank you for your help. but- the gift your boyfriend gave you sounds so amazing. i hope yall had a great valentine’s day together 💕