How do you describe bracelet knotting?
2 months ago by BraceRacer
Hey fellow knotters!How do you guys explain bracelet making to your friends? I get asked all the time about what it is and always have a hard time explaining, I usually say “well it’s kind of like macrame” or “it’s like a mosaic of colored string that you knot in rows.” But my explanations aren’t ever really specific enough for then to catch the idea. I’d love to hear how you guys describe it. 🙃 |
2 months ago by halokiwi
I rarely need to explain it, since most people I meet are usually familiar with at least the basic candystripe, but if I had to describe it, I would describe it as a knotted bracelet made from embroidery floss. By making different combinations of knots, you can create different designs.
Bracelet King
2 months ago by itarosky
Technically, the art of knotting friendship bracelets is a type of macramé.Although I usually explain it just as bracelets made entirely with knots to form a specific pattern. |
1 month, 4 weeks ago by str6yk1ds
I usually just say it’s a knotted bracelet, plain and simple. You make a bunch of knots by tying a collection of embroidery flosses to make a bracelet/pattern.
Bracelet King
1 month, 4 weeks ago by minutcraft
Apart from ‘it’s a kind of micro macrame”, I also describe it as a craft that is kinda like crocheting/knitting, but with knots (instead of loops) with no needles/hooks required.
1 month, 2 weeks ago by emilymix1
Anyone else get when people ask you to make them bracelets, like yea I’d love to but they take like 10 hours and my back hurts 😭😭
Bracelet King
1 month, 2 weeks ago by puggyz
I tell them that’s it’s a bracelet made of strings tied together and I explain alphas by saying “it’s basically pixel art with string”
1 month, 1 week ago by Broken_Cow
ohhh my god so I had to describe alphas to my teacher for a project, and she literally did not understand weather it was a weaving or if I was using her project as an excuse to make braclets